What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope
HALLOWEEN CONTEST first place winners in each category are pictured front row (l-r), Andrew Bell and Arlo Klemik; back row (l-r), Ben Henry, Jakson Yockey and Leo Ayala; the Ham family, Vailor, Trent, along with Barrett Ham, Vivian and Megan and Avery Horton.
A complete list of contest winners from those who entered at the Haxtun Fire Hall are as follows: 0-3 years: Barrett Ham, first; Eiley Jablonski, second; and Clyde Johnson, third; Preschool: Arlo Klemik, first; Toby Weers, second; and Carter Teel, third; Kindergarten and first grade: Andrew Bell, first; Jaxy Fix, second; and Thomas Clark, third; Second and third grade: Ben Henry, Jakson Yockey and Lio Ayala, first; Nolan Ham and Kelbin Boerner, second; and Reece Biesemeier and Amber Edwards, third; Fourth through sixth grade: Avery Horton, first; Allison Plumb, Mollie Ham, Kenzie Chrisman and Delany Gurnsey, second; Kortlyn Carpenter and Kyla Wilson, third; Adult: Colleen Weaver, first; Family: Ham family, Trent, Megan, Vivian and Vailor, first; Klimek family, Jude, Arlo and Veda, second.
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