What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Strokes From Other Pens

Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor,

Prop 131 will give us a chance to have a say, not only in our local representation, but also in the state-wide races. Vote yes on 131.

Here in the ruby red part of Colorado, if you want to have a say in who our state representative or state senator is, you have to vote in the Republican primary, but that means that you won’t have any say at all in who will be the next Governor, United States Senator or Attorney General because, more likely than not, those races will be settled in the Democrat primary.

Proposition 131 solves that dilemma by making the June election a single ballot for every race from state representative to U.S. senator.

It also ensures that our congressional members seeking election to an open seat actually have broad support from the district instead of earning, basically a lifetime tenure, by winning a crowded primary with less than 30 percent of the vote. I can think of multiple examples in Colorado history where that’s happened. Never again if 131 passes.

Think of the Ranked Choice Voting part of the initiative as a runoff election without the endless TV ads. You’re just asked in advance to vote the second round should no one earn 50 percent +1 the first time.

Greg Brophy, Wray


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