What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Haxtun Health gives back locally

Haxtun Health has completed their annual campaign, "Healthy Student, Happy Teacher." During the months of June, July and August, for every student who completes a Well Child Check or annual wellness exam, Haxtun Health donates $10 to that student's classroom teacher to help offset classroom expenses. The ultimate goal is to help students start the year on a healthy note and set them up for success as the cooler months, which often bring illnesses, approach.

These annual exams provide an opportunity for the Haxtun Health team to perform checkups and administer any due vaccines. Routine checks allow providers to identify and address potential issues early. The "Healthy Student, Happy Teacher" campaign continues to grow each year.

Haxtun Health also aims to support teachers, who often use personal funds to purchase classroom supplies.

"We are so grateful to partner with our local school districts as we continue to pursue optimal health for everyone in northeast Colorado," said Sara Huss, Marketing and Communication Coordinator at Haxtun Health. "We hope that our joint efforts lead to a healthier school year and healthier households."

This summer, Haxtun Health performed 61 qualifying Well Child Checks, resulting in $610 donated back to schools, including Haxtun, Fleming, Holyoke and Revere.


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