What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Fleming Town Council reviews budget; moves monies to ColoTrust

The Fleming Town Council held their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Stefan Betley at 6:31 p.m. The following council members were present: Andrew Muller, Bill Langridge, Suzanne Wales and Alex Gapter. Bonnie Jackson arrived at 6:32 p.m. Cathy Castillo was absent. Also present were Sam Wolever Jr., Joelle and Daniel Gapter, Keith Beck and Lewis Frank. Steve McCracken arrived at 6:36 p.m.

Additions/corrections to the agenda: Betley asked for any additions or corrections to the agenda. Hearing none, it was moved and seconded to approve the agenda and the motion passed unanimously.

Public comment: Wolever addressed the Council regarding vandalism of his parents' headstone.

McCracken spoke to the Council about the school ballot issue on the upcoming election. McCracken asked the Council for permission to post signs on town property about the ballot issue. The Council granted the request.

Consent agenda: A motion was made and seconded to approve the consent agenda consisting of the September minutes and bills and the motion passed unanimously.

Maintenance report: Beck informed the Council of an electrical interruption. Most residents experienced an off/on in their electricity. There were a couple of houses that lost power for approximately an hour. A broken cross arm was the cause of the interruption and it was quickly repaired. Beck will be completing several required water tests before the end of the year. The maintenance employees will be removing several trees that were planted over a sewer line in the next couple of weeks. The Council asked Gapter to post a reminder on the town website of the ordinance concerning planting trees/bushes and required setbacks from utilities/right-of-way. Beck has spoken with a county commissioner about the purchase of a county road grader for the Town. An invoice from the County has been requested to initiate the purchase.

Clerk's report: Gapter shared data about the Town webpage with the Council.

Treasurer's report: Frank presented the Treasurer's Report. It was moved and seconded to approve the Treasurer's Report. The motion passed unanimously. He also presented August financial information since the September meeting was early and bank statements were not available. At the end of the report, it was moved and seconded to accept the treasurer's report as presented and the motion passed unanimously.

Frank then presented a preliminary budget for 2025. The Council discussed the budget and provided direction for specific modifications.

The Town's financial reserve monies were discussed along with the possibility of moving some monies to ColoTrust, for a better return. It was moved and seconded those funds currently at Bank of Colorado/Raymond James Investments and the money market account funds be transferred to ColoTrust. The motion passed unanimously.

Executive session: It was moved and seconded to go into executive session, C.R.S. Section 24-6-402 (4)(a) to discuss an agreement for additional land for the Fleming Cemetery. The motion passed unanimously. The Council went into executive session at 8:09 p.m.

The Council concluded the executive session at 8:36 p.m. and returned to their regular meeting.

Action items:

1. The Council discussed two renderings of a new equipment building. The Council's preference is for a 50 foot by 100 foot building with several garage doors. Muller will take the lead in contacting several contractors for cost estimates to build this type of building.

2. Betley will contact the town attorney to make the necessary modifications to the cemetery land agreement/contract.

Discussion items:

1. Betley informed the Council that while the RAISE grant application has been approved, there has been no additional information regarding the actual dollar amounts for each entity.

2. Beck spoke to the Council about foot stones at the cemetery. Because of the size of current mowers, foot stones make it difficult to mow in between head stones and foot stones. The Council determined that a thorough review of the Cemetery Policy will be conducted in January.

3. Wales and Jackson provided details of the Colorado Municipal League district meeting they attended.

4. Wolever gave a brief recap of the Fall Festival. The day went well and he thanked the Council for providing the necessary insurance as well as paying for the movie that was shown Friday evening.

5. The Council discussed dates for employee evaluations. It was agreed to have employee evaluations on Friday, Oct. 18, starting at 8 a.m.

6. Jackson shared concerns about the recent Junk Jaunt.

Upcoming meetings: the next Town Council meeting will be held on Nov. 13 at Town Hall at 6:30 p.m.

Adjournment: A motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 9:02 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.


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