What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Commissioners approve exemption request for Centennial Farm

During the Jan. 31 meeting of the Phillips County Board of County Commissioners, the board held a public hearing to consider the subdivision exemption request from Timothy and Arlene Carper to divide a 12.8-acre parcel of land from a 160-acre parcel. Arlene Carper explained that the request is so that the parcel of land, which is all non-farmable ground, could be sold to another family member. This sale would represent the next, or fifth generation, to maintain ownership of their farm that has a Centennial Farm designation. No one else was present to offer comments. The board approved the request.

A second hearing considered the 2023 supplemental budget. Commissioner Roberts explained that additional funds are needed for the Road and Bridge Department. Additional expenses were incurred because of the extraordinary amount of snow last winter that resulted in extra work time and maintenance of equipment. No other comments were made. The board approved the request.

Two individuals attended the public comment portion of the meeting. Tom Bennett, representing Holyoke Community Childcare, updated the board on the progress toward building the childcare facility. He said that a new estimate for hauling dirt increased to approximately 225 loads. The County’s in-kind contribution commitment is for 50 loads. Bennett asked for a future meeting to discuss ideas about from where more assistance might be available to manage hauling the larger amount.

Kevin Lybrand, the new Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of PC Telcom, introduced himself to the board as a professional courtesy and to personally meet each of the commissioners.

The timed appointments segment of the meeting began with Dusty Johnson. She is a Republican candidate running for Colorado’s House District 63 because of Richard Holtorf vacating his term to run for Congressional District 4. Johnson explained her reasons for seeking the position, how she foresees working effectively in the legislature as a member of the minority party and her plans to host a community roundtable in Holyoke the following week.

County Administrator Andrew Nygaard, on behalf of Event Center reservationist Carrie Anderson, presented a request from Farm Service Agency/Colorado State University to waive rental fees for an event scheduled for Feb. 26. Later as a new business item, the board agreed on a 2-0 vote to waive the fee for use of the room but not labor or any other additional fees. Commissioner Tom Timm recused himself from voting because an immediate family member is employed by the applicant that requested the waiver.

Roberts, as board member of the Holyoke Housing Authority, updated the board on plans to engage a developer to manage the project for eventually adding more apartments to the Sunset View residences.

Staff from the County Assessor’s Office and County Attorney Tammy Kelley discussed implications of WME Yates’ transfer of its gas wells to the Colorado Energy and Carbon Management Commission.

The board met with County Emergency Manager Broc Pelle who provided updates on his work. Later as a new business item, the board approved Pelle’s requests for the board chairman to sign a Funding Match Commitment letter and an Intent to Participate letter regarding the Northeast Colorado Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan.

As new business, Timm shared that a need for baby changing stations surfaced during the recent Showdown on the Plains event at the Bank of Colorado Pavilion. This maintenance department is to investigate this for discussion at the next board meeting.

Additional board actions taken included approving the move of an employee at the landfill to pay scale Grade 20 Step 3 and authorizing the chairman to sign the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Division of Motor Vehicles Drivers’ License Division and Phillips County, as presented.

Meeting minutes produced by County Clerk and Recorder Beth Zilla are available through the county administrator’s office. They can also be located at the county’s website, http://www.phillipscounty.colorado.gov/. From the homepage, use the Department dropdown menu. Select County Commissioners and then Meeting Minutes.


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