What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Fleming Town Council approves 2024 budget; hearing set for Dec. 13

The Fleming Town Council held their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 8. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Stefan Betley at 6:30 p.m. The following council members were present: Andrew Muller, Cathy Castillo, Bill Langridge, Bonnie Jackson and Alex Gapter. Suzanne Wales arrived at 6:39 p.m. Also present were Kerry Brown (left at 6:40 p.m.), Grace Rossignol (left at 6:49 p.m.), Joelle and Daniel Gapter (Daniel left at 6:49 p.m.), Michelle Asfeld, Keith Beck (left at 7:45 p.m.) and Lewis Frank.

Additions/Corrections to the Agenda: Betley added Letters of Resignation under Action Items, #4. Hearing no other additions or corrections to the agenda, it was moved and seconded to accept the agenda as amended. The motion passed.

Public Comment: Brown addressed the Council regarding the policy of no Saturday burials. He related the recent difficulties of trying to plan a funeral for a weekday when families are travelling great distances. Betley shared the policy with Brown and provided some explanation as to why the policy was adopted. Brown also shared his concerns regarding the streets, considering last year’s winter weather and the potential for muddy, soupy streets again.

Rossignol reported that the library has seen an increase in attendance at Story Hour.

Media Relations Coordinator Report: J. Gapter shared with the Council that she had been in contact with a few individuals concerning a Master Plan for the Town.

Executive Session: At 6:50 p.m. Costillo made a motion to enter into Executive Session, Section 24-6-402(4)(f) for the purpose of discussing negotiations for employee wages. Jackson seconded the motion. All voted and the motion passed.

At 7:20 p.m. a motion was made and seconded to conclude the Executive Session and return to the regular council meeting. All voted and the motion passed.

Consent Agenda: A motion was made and seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion passed.

Maintenance Report: Beck told the Council that Andrea Cox from the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development (Wray office) had conducted a site visit of the wastewater project. The site visit is a requirement of the loan agreement with USDA/RD for the project. Beck also reported that the maintenance employees are working on readying the Christmas decorations as well as doing some equipment maintenance. He also mentioned that the third and final testing for lead and copper has been completed for the year. Beck provided the Council with costs for asphalt and gravel as a follow-up to Brown regarding street conditions.

Clerk’s Report: No report.

Treasurer’s Report: Frank presented the Treasurer’s Report. It was moved and seconded to approve the Treasurer’s Report. All voted and the motion passed.

Health and Safety: Beck reported that cement still needs to be poured for the streetlight that will be located by the elevator.

Action Items:

• The second draft of the 2024 budget was shared and discussed. The Council directed Frank to add an expenditure for the purchase of equipment. The Council also agreed upon pay increases for employees. It was moved and seconded to accept the second draft of the 2024 budget with these changes. All voted in favor of the motion. There will be a discussion for the 2024 budget at the Public Hearing on Wednesday, Dec. 13 at 6 p.m. at the Fleming Town Hall.

• Optional Insurance Coverage Quotes from CIRSA were discussed. Motions were made and seconded to renew the Equipment Breakdown coverage, the No Fault Water Line Rupture and Sewer Back-up coverage and the Occupational Accidental Death/Dismemberment coverage. The motions passed unanimously.

• The Planning and Zoning Committee suggested a wording change to Ordinance 5-2020 Town of Fleming Zoning Ordinance, Section 5-03, adding: (B)(2) Residence, but only as a secondary use. The residence must be used in conjunction with and on the same property as the primary use (i.e., upstairs, or backroom apartment). Additionally, off-street parking will be required for the residence. A motion was made and seconded to approve the wording change on the first reading. There will be a Public Hearing to amend Ordinance 5-2020 on Wednesday, Dec. 13 at 6 p.m. at the Fleming Town Hall.

• A letter of resignation has been received from Grace Rossignol. Her last day of employment will be May 16, 2024. A motion was made and seconded to accept the resignation letter. All voted and the motion passed.

• A letter of resignation has also been received from Joelle Gapter resigning from the role of Grant Writer and the Town Project Committee. After a brief discussion a motion was made and seconded to accept the resignation letter. All voted and the motion passed.

Discussion Items:

• The annual Firemen’s Winter Celebration is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 9 from 5-7 p.m.

• The Council tabled adding three holidays and increasing discretionary days until the December meeting.

• Betley spoke very briefly about the School/Town land purchase/swap.

• Betley recognized Tom Acott as a 2023 Centennial Farm & Ranch Honoree. The Acott Farm was founded in 1898.

Upcoming Meetings: Dec. 13 Public Hearing for the 2024 Budget and amend Ordinance 5-2020 at the Town Hall at 6 p.m.; Dec. 13 Council Meeting at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m.

Adjournment: A motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 8:42 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.


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