What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Fleming Town Project Committee identifies streets as top priority

The Fleming Town Council held their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, July 26. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Stefan Betley at 6:34 p.m. The following council members were present: Andrew Muller, Cathy Castillo (arrived at 6:49 p.m.), Bill Langridge, Suzanne Wales (arrived at 6:36 p.m.), Alex Gapter and Bonnie Jackson joined the meeting via conference call. Also Present: Onesimo Leal, Joelle and Daniel Gapter, Grace Rossignol (left at 7 p.m.) and Michelle Asfeld.

Additions/Corrections to the Agenda: Betley asked if there were any additions or corrections to the agenda. Hearing none, it was moved and seconded to accept the agenda as printed, all voted and the motion passed.

Public Comment: Rossignol reported on the Summer Reading Program that ran from June 6-July 13. The theme this year was “All Together Now”.

Media Relations Coordinator Grant Report: J. Gapter updated the Council on the Town Project Committee Meeting that was held on Friday, July 21. The committee felt that streets are the top priority. The next Town Project Committee Meeting will be Aug. 2 at 5:45 p.m. She also stated she posted Splash Pad housekeeping information on the website. J. Gapter brought up a concern that a few residents contacted her on her private Facebook page about Town issues that should have been posted to the Town’s Facebook page. The Council thanked J. Gapter for her prompt posting during the electrical and water issues.

Consent Agenda: It was moved and seconded to approve the Consent Agenda, all voted and the motion passed.

Maintenance Report: In the absence of Beck, Mayor Betley gave the Maintenance Report. Beck feels that he has isolated the problem that caused the power issues. A motion was made and seconded to direct Beck to pursue billing the individual that caused the electrical issues. The water tower project at Heritage Park has been completed, Beck will test the water tomorrow. J .Hickey has completed grading the streets so now he will move to the alleys as the weather permits.

Clerk’s Report: Asfeld reported that the Council served 90 pop floats at the July 4th celebration.

Treasurer’s Report: In the absence of Frank, Mayor Betley presented the Treasurer’s Report. It was moved and seconded to approve the Treasurer’s Report, all voted and the motion passed. Mayor Betley indicated that the Town should do a cost analogist for a road grader.

Health and Safety: Mosquito fogging will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays, weather permitting.

Parks and Recreation: The Council is considering placing sod and/or zero-scape around the sidewalk at the Splash Pad.

Action Items: Cemetery Policy Update – A motion was made and seconded to update the Cemetery Policy, all voted and the motion passed.

Library Association Response – Mayor Betley read the Special Meeting Minutes from the Fleming Library Association accepting the Town’s offer to purchase the Town Hall building with an additional agreement.

Resolution #2-2023-Signing Authority for the Town Hall Purchase – The Council discussed the purchase of the Town Hall from the Library Association. It was moved and seconded to approve Resolution #2-2023 on the first reading, all voted and the motion passed.

Discussion Items: The drive around was discussed with the public health hazards being a priority. Langridge also noted that there are speed limit signs that need to be replaced with larger speed limit signs.

The council discussed the Logan County Risk Mapping Assessment and Planning (MAP) Project-Phase 2 Data Development Memorandum of Agreement. This agreement states that the flood plane is on the south end of Fleming at Wildhorse Creek.

Adjournment: A motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 8:22 p.m., all voted and the motion passed.


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