What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope
Recently an individual that works at the school stopped me at the grocery store and told me how much she enjoys my son and how kind he is to others. He always says hello to her and gives her a hug and she just appreciates it so much. And while to her this was just a casual conversation, it meant so much more to me than she could have ever guessed.
As parents, we are typically in the trenches and it is hard to see down here! We are weighed down with the hustle and bustle of raising children. Soccer practice, music concerts, birthday parties, baseball games, homework, sleepovers and not to mention the infinite amount of mundane tasks required by parents like dinner and laundry that consume our lives from the time we wake up to the time we go to sleep. We get so busy with the tasks that it’s like we have blinders on. It’s hard to look around every once in a while and appreciate the job that’s been bestowed upon us and feel proud of what we’ve accomplished as parents.
We can be so consumed with checking the boxes and the tasks of parenthood that it’s rejuvenating when someone else notices the efforts you’ve poured into your children. We deal with some really hard things as parents and I think I can speak on behalf of all of us when I admit that I’m not always proud of how I handle situations in my home. There are days when I think to myself “I am screwing these boys up big time” so for someone to go out of their way and pay me a compliment about who they are as little humans is like winning a gold medal.
If you ever see a child do something kind or polite, I highly encourage you to pass that along to his or her parents. In a world where criticism of others seems to be the new norm, find the good and share it, no matter how small. I promise you, it will make that person’s day. And if you happen to be on the receiving end of a compliment about your kids, take that and wear it like the badge of honor that it is.
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