What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Random drug testing survey to be distributed

New hires for custodial work and winter sports coaches topped agenda topics along with approval to pave the elementary school parking lot and a date change in parent teacher conferences in a Thursday evening, Oct. 20 meeting of the Haxtun Board of Education. The meeting, originally slated for Tuesday of the same week, was rescheduled due to conflicts with the Lady Bulldog volleyball schedule.

The October meeting opened with reports from administration, including those from elementary and secondary principals Becky Heinz and Dustin Seger. In her elementary report, Heinz said the beginning of the month brought first quarter parent teachers conferences as well as a teacher in-service. She said on that day, staff spent time working on quarter grades, report cards and prepping for parent teacher conferences.

Heinz also gave an update on the District’s gifted and talented program. She said staff recently conducted advanced learning plan meetings with teachers, parents, administration and students to discuss goals for students.

In his secondary report, Seger reported on recent staff meetings and in-services as well as findings from a student leadership group meeting. He said in-service focus work with staff included engagement strategies and walkthrough as well as grading and homework along with discussion on showing grace to students and RANDA. RANDA is a tool used by the Colorado Department of Education and school districts to create and maintain online performance management systems for students and staff. The tool supports school districts in the implementation, data collection and effective use of the Colorado State Model Evaluation System.

Seger acknowledged students Bobbi Starkebaum, Brandon Nall and Braden Plumb on their recent test scores in High School Business. He said the students scored in the top 10 percent in the final exam in wealth management. Seger added that over 6,000 students took the exam.

In her Superintendent’s report, Marsha Cody reviewed numbers on the cost to re-pave the elementary school parking lot, which was later approved during action items. Cody said the total cost of the project is $125,312, however the Town of Haxtun has agreed to split the cost of the project with the school district.

That leaves the school with a bill of $62,656, which she said will be paid over a portion of two fiscal years beginning this year. A total of $31,328 will be paid toward the project this year and another $32,328 will be worked into next year’s budget.

Work is expected to be completed in July 2023 with work beginning as soon as students are dismissed from school for summer break.

Cody also provided addition information on policies up for second reading including those for student absences and graduation requirements. Board members decided to table a policy on drug testing and continue that policy’s second reading to November.

Policy JH, Cody said, pertains to student absences and excuses. If approved in its final reading next month, changes would include a present code for students who are at a school sponsored event. Changes would also include making three student tardies equal to one absence and nine tardies equivalent to two minutes for each minute missed that must be served before school, after school or in Monday school.

“We want to make sure students are at school and at school on time,” Cody said in later follow up.

Policy IKF, graduation requirements, suggests changing computer science from a graduation requirement to an elective. That change would give students options from 11 electives. That policy will also be up for third and final reading in November.

A proposed policy on random drug testing for students has been tabled and a second reading is expected in November. In later follow up, Cody said the District plans to continue discussions on the policy as well as gain student, parent and community input from a survey that will be released soon. Continue to watch the Haxtun School District on Facebook and the Herald for additional information on the drug testing policy and survey.

The following action items were approved at the most recent Board of Education meeting:

• Mark Grauberger and Dean Anderson as a substitute custodians;

• Shana Toops as a substitute teacher;

• Dustin Seger and Casey Goddard as high school girls’ assistant basketball coaches;

• Noah Toops as assistant junior high girls’ basketball coach and Owen Knode as assistant junior high boys’ basketball coach;

• Dave Gibson as head bus driver and substitute maintenance worker;

• Moved parent teacher conferences from Feb. 9 to Feb. 16 due to the high school basketball schedule.


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