What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Fearless Faith

Just how fast was that dog going?

Aussie dogs are amazingly bright and loyal. In the quest to protect from all manner of threat, their instinct sometimes results in moving them to guard other objects as well … water bottles, sweat shirts, shoes of all kinds, and jackets when hung on a fence post. One dog in particular knows who those items belong to and takes her work quite seriously. Though a little extreme on occasion, her loyalty is touching and unmatched.

She is rewarded in her mind by being allowed inside and commandeering open floor space on the porch. Upon entering, her guard is less acute (though never down entirely), and she feels secure enough to make herself at home. In her case any position will do, and although the glide chair is simply too small for her frame, she is not dissuaded. Add “contortionist” to her many qualities and you get the idea. How she twists herself into a variety of shapes and forms is beyond understanding, especially when she is completely asleep. Seeing her in a contorted state in the chair, a friend inquired just how fast the dog was going when she hit the chair. An apt and fair question if there ever was.

Finding a comfortable position applies to a lot of varied perspectives. It is most often the position that allows you to relax using your present repertoire and simply be secure in the in the ways you have chosen for this time in this place. It doesn’t mean those perspectives are immutable and unchanging once they are embraced, for they represent foundation that faith can be built upon, even if one chooses to remodel down the road.

It can be somewhat uncomfortable to discuss religion these days as it pertains to politics, especially if a religious perspective is promoted by the church. While there are a large number of cultural issues that “the church” finds itself at odds with, actively lobbying for a narrow or particular position is an ethical breech and can endanger the non-profit status of any church organization. It is a challenging place to be, setting standards side-by-side with religious liberties that encompass a much broader scope than we are willing to acknowledge.

So, how fast was that dog going? Fast enough to make an impression that says we cannot afford to be of one mind with intent to discard others’ perspective and way of living. Fast enough to keep us guessing as to the final result. Fast enough to be reminded that what works for one does not work for all. Fast enough to want to keep up. And fast enough to be ever curious about what was going through her mind when she finally came to rest in the chair.

What are the positions you are most comfortable holding? Do they represent who you have been or who you are today? Are they worth revisiting and re-engaging with the understanding that faith is never static but always dynamic and changing? Your comfort might be built on one perfect understanding comprised of single distinct answers, but living one’s faith, truly living your faith, means a willingness to engage questions and possibilities, uncertainties and challenges. It’s never as simple as it would seem. Too many dogs, not enough chairs.


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