What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Forestry conference to be held in Otis

Eastern Colorado community forestry conference is set to be hosted by Colorado State University Extension and the Colorado Forest Service on Saturday, Oct. 1 in Otis at the Ambulance Barn from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Donna Davis, Community Forestry Program Specialist of Colorado Forest Service, will talk about Right Tree, Right Place. Colorado State University, Horticulture Agent Linda Langelo, will talk about the Best Local Trees.

Attendees will also learn about tree pruning and tree care and will get the opportunity to do some hands-on pruning and ask questions about your most pressing issues with pruning. Presenters also plan to entertain any questions about the project or on any aspect of tree care.

This is a critical time with our extreme drought and environmental conditions occurring and thus, important to understand how to care for our trees the best we can. Contact Linda Langelo in the Sedgwick County Extension Office at (970) 474-3479 for more information or go to Garden the Plains Facebook Page. Pre-register by Sept. 22 to have lunch included.


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