What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Veterans Affairs Director David Callahan visits Klover Kare site

The new Director of Colorado Department of Veterans Affairs, David Callahan, has been making a statewide tours to visit each of his county Veteran service officers. Last week, Callahan met with Jeremy Kilpatrick, Veteran Service Officer for Phillips County, at his office in the future Innovation Centre in Haxtun.

The two discussed many of the issues facing rural veterans including the limitations of access to VA facilities and the Community Care Network, medical claims issues and questions in multiple areas, the utility and scope of the county Veteran service officer position and mental health and well-being of Veterans.

They also discussed the Operation Veteran Strong platform and what it offers to not only the county Veteran service officer, but also the community. The platform is offering Federal, State and county benefits by zip code with a personal and confidential self-check system built in and offered if needed. Resources like food, mental health, housing, employment, social gatherings and even discounts and volunteering are all accessable at OperationVeteranStrong.org. Sign up is available on the website.

According to Kilpatrick, Callahan was excited to have the opportunity to meet some local veterans working at the Haxtun Klover Kare Gardens while also touring the future site of one of the Growing Together programs.

The Growing Together program has been designed to offer communities horticulture systems powered by Veterans and first responders to promote future employment, volunteerism, internships, mentorships programs and Veteran networking within the community. Giving Veterans new ways to build their skills, resumes, mental and physical well-being, friendships, mentorships and comradery all while providing food security to their community.

Klover Kare is a Veteran-founded 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to supporting Colorado's rural Veteran communities in creating sustainable, food-producing neighborhood community gardens.

For more information about Klover Kare check out the website KloverKare.org or on Facebook at KloverKare.


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