What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Second graders at Haxtun Schools promise good behavior

Dear Santa,

How are your raindeer and what are your elfs names and how do you eat so many cookies in one night? I’ve been pretty good this year. Anyway this is what I want for Christmas! I want an okuileiss and an Adopt me Bees Blaster and an Adopt me playset! I also have one more qweshton how do you delivier all the presents to eveyones houses in one night? Safe flight!

Your Friend, Nikolas

Dear Santa,

How many Elfs do you have? How do you eat thousands of cookies? What are two of your elfs names? I would like a Tom Brady Buccaners jersy with a Buccaners helmet and Bakugan.

Your Friend, Knox

Dear Santa,

Do you lik Brgr King? Kan you swim? Kan I hav a randeer kande thing plez? Meree Krizmas!

Your Friend, Chace

Dear Santa,

I want to know all of your Elves names. I would like to know if Rudolf is reel. Maybe I think I have been good this year! I want a 22 rifle and a PS4 reckfest game. And 9 packs of NFL football cards. And Madden 15 and 22 and 12 and 13.

Your Friend, Tripp

Dear Santa,

Do you want me to leve carits for your randeer? How much milk do you want on Christmas and how meny cookies do you want on Christmas? How meny elves do you have? Santa I would like a Barbe horse and a Barbe doll that goes on the horse and a stofing doll Plese and Thank you.

Your Friend, Hayle

Dear Santa,

How do your elves know if I’ve been good or bad? Do they have cameras or magic or something? I wod like a robot dog and a lite saber toy.

Your Friend, Kaed

Dear Santa,

How many Elves do you have? Can you tell me what the elves names are? Can I please have a necklase holder and slime?

Your Friend, Allison

Dear Santa,

I have been REALY good this year. How many elves do you have? How many raindeer do you have? Could I have boxes, a D.S. and a light saber toy please?

Your Friend, Lucas

Dear Santa,

How old are you? How many elves do you have? I would like a VR headset and a game that comes with it. It is called One Skiy Block. It is Minecraft. Could I have a nerf gun and something I can make my own music and songs with?

Your Friend, Evan M.

Dear Santa,

Can I have a Magic Mixies and a Makeup kit please? How many elves do you have? How many cookies do you eat in a night?

Your Friend, Remy

Dear Santa,

How old are you? Were you called Saint Nikolas? I have seen you four time in stores. This yeer I want footbol cards. I want a Packers footbol plese and thank you.

Your Friend, Cail

Dear Santa,

How many raindeer do you have? Whats your favrit cookie? How many houses do you have to go to araund the world? What is your favrit restrant? Santa I have been good this year. I’v been asking for a Nintidoswich and a mariocart disk to play on it and slime.

Your Friend, Mollie

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? How many elves do you have? How do you get in peoples houses? I have ben good this year! What I want for Christmas is a Amozon Fire tablet pleas! I love Christmas and you!

Your Friend, Cooper

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want a penguin. Say Hi to your reindeer for me! I hope you are happy.

Your Friend, Evan A.

Dear Santa,

How are you feeling today? I hope you’re having a great day! Can I please have some football pads and football pants if you can. I’ll leave cookies and carrots for your reindeer. I hope you have a great Christmas Eve!

Your Friend, Maxwell

Dear Santa,

I hope you are doing good today. Have you plan where you are going? I live in Haxtun. I want a pet scrall for Christmas. I hope you dote get sick! Have a nise Christmas! I love Christmas it is my fravit holuday. See you nexe Christmas.

Your Friend, Pyper

Dear Santa,

How is Ms. Claus doing? I will set out cookies and milk. I will also leave carrots. I hope you will have a great Christmas this year. Can I please have a Santa hat and a santa suit. Can I also have a huge bone for my dog!

Your Friend, Jacob

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? Santa, I hope all of the cookies are yummy. Santa, can I have a shop an auger and a grain bin? Have a happy Christmas.

Your Friend, Connor

Dear Santa,

How are the rendeer doing? I hope the randeer can fliy this Christmas. Feed them lots of carrots thay can fiy rile well. This is what I wunt for Christmas. JonDeer farming tols and a footboll tee and seed ogr and seed ben. Than you.

Your Friend, Stellan

Dear Santa,

Hay! How are your elfs doing. Watch out for trees on the way to kids. I hope your and Mrs. Clos have nice Chrismis.

Your Friend, Jack

Dear Santa,

Can I see a picture of the candy shop and the reindeer? Do you have a picture of your elves? I can’t wait to see you.

Your Friend, Jackson

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? I hope the elfs are doing good. Are you going to visit Haxtun. I woud like to have some dolls. Don’t frget the cookies and milk. There’s some carrots for the reindeer.

Your Friend, Kenzi

Dear Santa,

How are you going? I wish for a puppy! I also wish for a dress! And I wish for a kitty! Thank you! Thank you! For eveythang! I love you Santa! I love love love you!

Your Friend, Sylvia

Dear Santa,

How are you? I would like pop its with a rainbow. I also want a new bike please.

Your Friend, Zoe

Dear Santa,

How is your reindeer doing. I hope he or she is well. I love Christmas so much. I could like a doll that can drink water and it will move and I would like five popits and two big ones and three small ones. Have a nise Christmas.

Your Friend, Lesley


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