What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Phillips County 4-Hers celebrate successes of 2021

The beginning of October always marks an annual celebration of the current 4-H year's success and this year was no different as Phillips County 4-H members gathered at the Phillips County Event Center in Holyoke to celebrate the efforts and achievements of 2021 on Sunday, Oct. 3.

This year's achievement program honored Friend of the 4-H award recipient Jessica Brown, who received her recognition from 4-H Council President Brooklyn Plumb. Brown, who is the FFA Advisor at Briggsdale High School has local ties to the Phillips County area by means of her sister, Shauna Strecker, who serves as the Holyoke FFA Advisor.

Although Brown does not live in the area, she is always eager to help Phillips County youth during various events like beef weigh in, jackpots and throughout the Phillips County Fair in July.

"She is there with a smile on her face and is always chipping in to make an event successful," Plumb said upon announcing this year's Friend of the 4-H award to Brown.

Following a warm welcome to all special guests to the Oct. 3 event, Colorado State University Extension Agent Jessie Stewart recognized the 4-H Council and its officers. The 4-H Council is the governing body of Phillips County 4-H. Members of the Council give their time and efforts to plan programs and events for youth of the county and give their voice on important decisions when they must be made.

"Each one of these kids has a very important job and all of them have been great to work alongside for the year," Stewart said. The following officers were recognized and received council officer and representative certificates: President, Brooklyn Plumb; Vice President, Isaac Struass; Secretary, Addison Oliver; Treasurer, Jessica Owens; Reporter, Layna Wear; Parliamentarian, Jeff Miner; Senators, Hunter Donovan and Isaac Strauss; Alternate Senators, Layna Wear and Jessica Owens; Historian, Lucinda Mares; Better Beef Makers Representatives, Lucinda Mares and Brendon Nelson; Challengers Representatives, Isaiah Rueter and Jessica Owens; Haxtun Pioneers Representatives, Jeff Miner and Jaelynn Miner; Holyoke Centennial Representatives, Hunter Donovan and Ellie Kleve; Paoli Hustlers Representatives, Braden Plumb and Tessa Gales; and Raising Ranchers Representatives, Layna Wear and Elia Wear. Council leaders include Joan Owens and Jessica Oliver.

To begin the awards presentation, recognition began with Club leaders. First year leaders who received their pin include Mallory Garrett, Melissa Nelson and Holly Kelley. Five year member Bryant Benson was also recognized.

Club completion certificates were also distributed. Certificates are awarded to 4-H Clubs when their membership completes 75 percent of the projects they enroll in. 2021 was a successful year, Stewart said, with each club receiving a Certificate of Achievement including: Better Beef Makers, Challengers, Haxtun Pioneers, Holyoke Centennial, Paoli Hustlers and Raising Ranchers.

Local 4-H members are recognized individually also, for their years of membership to the organization. First year members receiving pins this year include: Dylan Bazan, Bristol Kramer, Andrew Schroetlin, Greyson Biesemeier, Fatima Nunez, Daniel Schroetlin, Emalee Clapper, Juan Nunez and Canon Wilson. Fifth year members awarded pins are: Aubrey Bieber, Ben Kleve, Kaylee Lock, Jayce Boerner, Eleanor Kleve, Kynlea Nelson, Hailey Clapper, Ava Koberstein, Eva Schlachter, Holley Ely, Kanin Koberstein, Amy Struckmeyer, Tessa Gales, Kinsley Koberstein and Elia Wear. Tenth year member included Braden Plumb and 12th year members Brooklyn Plumb and Kylee Workman were also honored. Thirteenth year members recognized include Jeff Miner and Baylor Struckmeyer.

New this year, Phillips County 4-H honored a first year members with the Rookie of the Year awards. This award is given to a first-year member who showed progress and dedication through meeting attendance, attending workshops and club events. This year's winner, Juan Nunez, was honored in front of his peers.

"Juan not only showed commitment through club activities but also attended various activities at the County level. On top of this, he did exceptional with his Electric Project at the county and state level," his nomination read.

4-H members between the ages of five and seven are not allowed to participate in any of the traditional competitive projects, however, they are considered 4-H members and receive membership certificates. These members, Cloverbuds, are honored with first, second and third year pins. First year Cloverbuds include: Tyson Bazan, Harrison Kleve, Brayger Bieber, Kenna Kramer, Kelbin Boerner, Kohen Parrish, Dawsyn Daniel, Austynn Schlachter, Kort Daniel, Julia Schroetlin, Cash Garrett and Selia Wear. Second year members are: Kortlyn Carpenter, Brodyn Daniel, Caden Donovan, Gracie Easton, Ava Ely, Joseph Kleve and Allison Plumb. Third year members include Avery Horton and Rhettly Schlachter.

Addison Oliver presented record book awards. Not only do members have to keep their project record books, but members who are officers in their respective clubs must also keep accurate and up-to-date club records as well as properly recording club meetings and activities. For the first time, two clubs tied for first place for treasurer's books including Challengers 4-H Club, Treasurer Aubrey Bieber, and Raising Ranchers, Treasurer Nicole Schlachter.

Record keeping is essential to everyone in the livestock industry, livestock and horse members learn the value of accurate and thorough record keeping in 4-H livestock and horse projects. The following is a list of record book award winners: Junior Record Book Grand Champion, Cruse Weber; Intermediate Record Book Grand Champion, Tessa Gales; Senior Record Book Grand Champion, Lucinda Mares; Junior Record Book Reserve Champion, Kynlea Nelson; Intermediate Record Book Reserve Champion, Kinsley Koberstein; and Senior Record Book Reserve Champion, Isaiah Rueter.

Moving onto livestock awards, Council members announced Champion Herdsman awards to the following: Grand Champion Beef Herdsman, Better Beef Makers; Grand Champion Swine Herdsman, Raising Ranchers; Grand Champion Goat Herdsman, Challengers; Grand Champion Sheep Herdsman, Haxtun Pioneers; Grand Champion Horse Herdsman, Paoli Hustlers and Better Beef Makers; Grand Champion Poultry Herdsman, Challengers.

Grand Champions in live placement of breeding and market livestock receive recognition with belt buckles, they are: Champion Market Beef, Tenley Becker; Champion Breeding Beef, Ainsley Kramer; Champion Market Sheep, Ainsley Kramer; Champion Breeding Sheep, Lucina Mares; Champion Market Goat, Lucina Mares; Champion Breeding Goat, Lucinda Mares; Champion Market Swine, Kinsley Koberstein; Champion Market Poultry, Isaiah Rueter; Champion Breeding Poultry, Isaiah Rueter.

Braden Plumb took the stage to honor champion and reserve champion round robin showman from the Phillips County Fair. The Champion Round Robin Showmen received a belt buckle. The Champion Senior Round Robin Showman also received a $250 scholarship. Reserve Champion Round Robin Showman receive two-tier trophies. Champion Junior and Intermediate general projects also receive two-tier trophies. Champion Senior general projects receive a $250 scholarship. Round Robin winners are: Grand Champion Junior Round Robin Showman, Jaelynn Miner; Reserve Grand Champion Junior Round Robin, Ainsley Kramer; Grand Champion Intermediate Round Robin Showman, Paige Oliver; Reserve Grand Champion Intermediate Round Robin Showman, Addison Oliver; Grand Champion Senior Round Robin Showman, Lucinda Mares; Reserve Grand Champion Senior Round Robin Showman, Jessie Owens; Grand Champion Junior General Project, Elizabeth Edge; Grand Champion Intermediate General Project, Grace Stone; Grand Champion Senior General Project, Braden Plumb.

Overall Phillips County Most Improved Horseman award, for 2021, went to Alexis Nelson. Other horse awards include: Grand Champion Intermediate All-Around, Addison Oliver; Grand Champion Junior All-Around, Reid Oliver.

Each year, Phillips County 4-H clubs perform different community pride activities throughout the County. The following is a short summary of each club's community pride activities for 2021:

The Paoli Hustlers decorated a hay bale for National 4-H Week, adopted two families during Christmastime, held a canned food drive, helped with the Phillips County Showdown, helped with the Rocky Mountain food bank distribution and put flower pots out to promote the Phillips County Fair.

The Challengers held a canned food drive, adopted a family in need and assembled goodie bags for Special Olympics. The Club also decorated a hay bale for National 4-H Week.

The Raising Ranchers always donate and provide meals and gifts around Christmas to a couple of less fortunate families in Holyoke through the Lutheran Church. They also served at the Meat In BBQ in March. The Raising Ranchers build a float for the fair parade, decorate a club booth and put flower pots around town to help advertise the county fair. Members always seem to enjoy decorating a hay bale each year as well to help kick off National 4-H week.

Better Beef Makers put harvest bags together for wheat and corn harvest, decorated pumpkins for the nursing home residents, bought Christmas gifts for families in need, decorated a hay bale for National 4-H Week and put flower tubs, decorated a parade float and put together a club booth together during fair.

The Holyoke Centennial 4-H Club cleaned up the bike bath at the event center made cards for the residents at Holyoke Assisted Living, decorated a hay bale for National 4-H week and helped with fair cleanup.

The Haxtun Pioneers 4-H Club sent thank you cards to service men and women serving overseas, cleaned up the Haxtun park, put out flower pots to celebrate National 4-H Week and also to promote county fair and helped with fairgrounds set up.

The final award of the day, the "I Dare You" award, was first offered in 1941 by William H. Danforth. Danforth was a successful businessman who dared young people to achieve their highest potential and to influence others through lives of leadership and service. As a civic leader, he helped found the American Youth Foundation in 1925. The belief then as it is today is that each individual can make a difference. The "I Dare You" leadership award recognizes those who, with a little encouragement, are ready to see themselves as leaders - young adults who are ready to take the dare. The award winner, this year Jessica Owens, receives Danforth's book titled, "I Dare You," which is sponsored by Rick and Kathy Haynes.

According to the award recipient's nomination form, Jessie is a kind-hearted, hard worker who is never afraid to try new things. She is an excellent role model to the younger kids and is well respected by older members and the adults in the community. Despite being soft spoken, she has a big presence.

Before the year-end slide show, Council officers for the coming year were inducted. The 2021 Phillips County 4-H Council Officer slate includes: President, Brooklyn Plumb; Vice President, Isaac Strauss; Secretary, Lucinda Mares; Treasurer, Jessica Owens; Reporter, Haylie Carpenter; Senators, Brooklyn Plumb and Lucinda Mares; Alternative Senators, Braden Plumb and Addison Oliver; Parliamentarian, Jeff Miner; Historian, Paige Oliver; Leaders Advisors, Gina Wear and Joan Owens.


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