What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Town of Haxtun website goes live

Haxtun’s new website is live! Residents can now pay Town bills and utilize other features on the site, townofhaxtun.colorado.gov.

Haxtun Town Council members originally saw a draft version of the website during a Monday, June 7 regularly monthly meeting. Over the past few weeks, final touches were complete and the site sent live just recently.

Now that it is live, local residents can use the website to pay utility bills as well as view hot topic ordinances and other forms such as building permit applications and golf cart permits. The site also hosts an abundance of other information like an event calendar and links to the Haxtun Chamber of Commerce, Haxtun Schools and other local entity websites.

Haxtun residents will be able to pay monthly utility bills online but initially will only be able to print building permit applications and golf cart permits. Those fees will still need to be paid at the Town Hall.


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