What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

85 Years Ago July 22, 1936

85 Years Ago

July 22, 1936

Mrs. Regina Sophia Lydin, 61, a highly respected resident of the Fairfield community for many years, passed away Sunday evening at her home. She was the stepmother of five Lydin children: Mrs. Wesley Garretson, Carol Lydin, Melvin Lydin, Mrs. William Ruch and Helen Lydin.

As the result of poisoning which they apparently consumed while pasturing in a field of sudan grass, six head of cattle owned by Will Smith died last Thursday. They became violently sick within ten minutes after they had been turned into the field. It is believed that a small amount of cane in the sudan grass may have been responsible. The loss of these milk cows and one heifer is a severe blow to Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

A fire which broke out in the night destroyed a barn and its contents of hay and feed last Sunday at the Rex Meakins farm six miles north of Haxtun. The blaze is thought to have been caused by spontaneous combustion. A line call was sent out for aid and farmers throughout the north country turned out to assist in fighting the blaze. Buckets were filled with water and kept in readiness for use on other buildings.

70 Years Ago

July 25, 1951

As we are going to press,-we have learned of the death of Roy Goddard, which occurred Thursday morning (July 19, 1951). He is a brother to Ace, Jerry, and Ray Goddard, Mrs. Frank Hill, and Sheriff Goddard of Julesburg.

Fairfield: Miss Marianne Kinzie is presenting her group of piano students in a recital Sunday afternoon at the Fairfield Church.

Seven young matrons of Haxtun were pledged to Zeta Gamma chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha sorority Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. L.E. Taylor. Those who received their pledge pins and signed the charter for the new chapter here included Mesdames Milton Anderson, Norris Carsten, Henry Dee, Charles Hunt, Wilbur Kipp, Keith Knode and Gene Shannep.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Buck and family of Boulder spent the weekend in Haxtun at the home of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. C.W. Buck.

Fairfield News - Little Mis Sylvia Westling of Julesburg spent the week with her aunt, Mrs. Lloyd Skold, and family. Her parents came for her Sunday.

45 Years Ago

July 22, 1976

A combine suffered an estimated $27,000 in damage Wednesday morning when the trailer on which it was being towed broke loose from the truck and went into a ditch about 12 miles south and five miles west of Haxtun. The machine is owned by John Young of Montezuma, Kans. and was being used to cut with the Max Deutschendorf crew.

Tom Wilson, premier lineman on the Fightin' Bulldogs State Championship football team last fall, received an invitation last week to play in the all-state football game in Denver on Aug. 13. He joins teammate Tony Ham, named earlier this year as an all-state participant.

Grain markets: Farmers' Co-op Elevator, wheat - $3.01, corn - $2.80; Commercial Grain, wheat - $3.02, corn - $3.00.

One of the features of Old Fashioned Saturday Night scheduled for Aug. 31 in Haxtun is the melodrama, "The Buffalo Wallow." First rehearsals were held Tuesday night for the production. Making their first run through were Dewey Green Jr., Greg Bamford, Millie Lightsey, Dennis Ulmer, and Delyn Kelly.

A farm accident cost a rural Julesburg boy the lower part of his left arm Tuesday morning. Paul Reed, 6, was playing around a grain auger when he apparently fell and became trapped in the mechanism. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Reed.

30 Years Ago

July 25, 1991

Word is out that seven northeastern Colorado libraries are among those chosen to receive grant funds from Access Colorado. Those in the area chosen to receive $1,500 each are Fleming Public Library, Fleming High School, Heginbotham Library in Holyoke, Haxtun High School, Haxtun Public Library, Lone Star 101 School District and Wray High School.

Obituaries: Robert "Pat" William Exstrom Sr., who grew up in the Haxtun area, died at the age of 59 at the Sterling Regional MedCenter on Tuesday, July 9, 1991. He was born March 2, 1932, in Haxtun, to Rudolph and Cecelia Hedstrom Exstrom. John William Meakins passed away at the Haxtun Hospital on Wednesday, July 17, 1991, at the age of 79.

The children and grandchildren of John and Lois Rhodes invite relatives and friends to a reception in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary, Aug. 4, 1991, at the Fairfield Covenant Church.

Beginning Sept. 1, Northeast Colorado Board of Cooperative Services, Haxtun, will be one of six alternate teacher-certification training and supervision sites.

10 Years Ago

July 27, 2011

Owen Knode waits for a response from Ryan Tempel during a smoothie taste testing at the Daily Grind last Wednesday. The taste testing was part of the Summer Fun Activities arranged for Haxtun youth.

Anyone near Highway 6 on Thursday morning may have noticed the more than 30 bikers in red and blue clothing that passed through Haxtun. The cyclists are part of the Bike and Build group with a mission to pedal for affordable housing.

Colleen Weaver will graduate, with honors, from Eastern New Mexico University on July 28. She will receive an Early Childhood Education Certificate of Occupational Training. She is a 2009 graduate of Haxtun High School and is the daughter of Terry and Mimi Weaver, Haxtun.


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