What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Times Past - May 27, 1936

85 Years Ago

May 27, 1936

The Gamble store agency at Haxtun changed ownership this week and in the future the business will be operated by Donald Amack. The deal was completed several days ago, whereby C.H. Barker purchased the local store from L.H. Scott of Yuma. Mr. Amack is a son-in-law of Mr. Barker.

Miss Jessie L. Parker, a high school instructor at Haxtun for the last three years, was married last Sunday at Fort Collins, to Mr. F.R. Stansbury.

For sale: A-1 grain box for 1927 Chevrolet, price $12; a two-wheel trailer, good rubber, price, $10; car chassis with 20-inch wheels, fair rubber, good engine, price $10. Inquire Lee Grabill, Haxtun.

Wages News - One of Gene Marren's horses fell in a cistern Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Salvador and Harley and Percy helped him get the horse out and doctor it.

70 Years Ago

May 30, 1951

Florence Hill Worthley, 66, died early Sunday morning at a Sterling hospital after being a cheerful invalid for a number of years.

Farmers or ranchers in Phillips County who have prairie dogs on their farms may have them poisoned during the month of June, according to County Agent George J. Rober.

Mrs. Shelton Smith and children Darrell, Dale and Susan, and accompanied by Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. Orson Pease, left Sunday morning for Leon, Iowa. Mrs. Pease had been a guest at the Smith home for a week, coming here to attend the commencement exercises of the high school senior class of which Darrell was a member.

Correction: The Haxtun Memorial hospital is now a member of the Blue Cross Hospital Insurance plan instead of "is not a member," as stated in last week's Harvest.

A baby girl, Lonna Jean, was born May 31 to Mr. and Mrs. Dean Garrett.

The Co-Op does it again! Patronage refunds are being distributed to its members and owners again by the Haxtun Co-Op Oil Co. $8,000 is being distributed this year, making a total of nearly $0,000 that has been paid out in cash refunds.

45 Years Ago

May 27, 1976

Barb Wernsman, immediate past president of the Victory Club, and Sherrilyn Smith put the finishing touches on the planter in from of the Haxtun Herald office, one of 12 planters installed along Haxtun's Colorado Avenue.

The Phillips County Democratic Assembly, meeting Saturday evening, nominated Ralph Thompson of Holyoke and Leland Miller of Paoli, both incumbents as their party's candidates for county commissioners in District 2 and 3.

Ilsa Beth Dunbar, the daughter of Vern Dunbar of Haxtun, graduated from the University of Colorado on Friday with a bachelor of science degree in journalism.

Deaths: Irene L. Ash, 65, May 20, 1976; Beth Reinecker, Denver, Saturday, May 15; William B. Crow, 79, Denver, May 17.

Fleming voters will go to the polls on June 22 to vote on a proposed $135,000 bond issue to enlarge and improve the water system. Proposed improvements; a new well and 10-inch diameter cast main from the well field to the storage tank at an extimated cost of $87.460, including labor; six fireplugs, $4,423, including materials and labor; six-inch diameter loop, two new fire hydrants, $16,797, including materials and labor.

30 Years Ago

May 30, 1991

After a combined length of over six decades, Bill Wilson and Bob Fetzer, employees of Haxtun's Coop Elevator, leave their jobs effective May 31.

An ordinance creating the Phillips County Emegerncy Telephone service passed on first reading during the regular meeting of Haxtun Town last week. The ordinance gives authority to establish and operate emergency 911 service within the town and authorizes service suppliers, in this instance, Haxtun Telephone Company, to collect emergency telephone charges.

Sherrie Elaine Prottsman earned an associate of arts degree on May 16 from Western Nebraska Community College at Scottsbluff, Nebr.

Obituary: Harold Gall, 87, May 18, 1991.

Graduating from eighth grade in Fleming: Nancy Whitmire, Katrina Crawford, Kelli Waterman, Jamie Peebler, Tiffany Nelson, Jaime Miles, Clarissa Lousberg, Sara Bock, Adam Schmidt, Terry Vigil, Jerry Wisdom, Jeremy Vandenbark, Randall Kirkwood, and David Melvin. Class sponsor is Warren Lewallen.

10 Years Ago

May 25, 2011

Third and fourth graders at Haxtun Elementary will have a slightly different view than those in the past. In anticipation of a large preschool class, the Haxtun Board of Education voted during a meeting on May 17 to purchase a modular unit containing two classrooms that will house the third and fourth grade classes next year.

Fleming runner Ashley Atkin, a 2011 graduate, receives her first place medal in one of four events at the State Track Meet in Lakewood. Atkin competed in the 100-meter dash, 200-meter dash, 400-meter dash and 800-meter run and took State Championship titles in each event.

With the exception of taking time off to have her two children; Cindy Kaus has spent the past 29 years with students at Haxtun Schools. Cindy, who currently teaches second grade, plans to retire from her position at the end of this school year.


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