What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope
Vines for your fence
There are both perennial and annual vines that can hide your fence or add to the fence in your landscape. There are some choices that are stunning but not drought tolerant. If you are looking for something pleasing along the fence line Black Eyed Susan is a bright and cheery annual vine. Black Eyed Susan vine, Thunbergia alata does need to be grown in afternoon shade because we live in a hot, dry climate. It needs well-draining soil rich in organic matter with a neutral pH. Color choices are "Alba" offers white flowers with purplish brown centers; "Bakeri" boasts pure white blooms; Suzie hybrids may be orange, yellow or white.
Purple hyacinth bean, Dolichos lablab, an annual, is one you can grow in full sun in our hot, dry climate. Placing this vine in the shade will risk fungal diseases on the leaves. There is no deadheading with this vine. This vine needs regular watering, but the soil needs to be well-drained. Once you have grown the vine, you can collect the seed pods and save the seed and replant the next season.
Morning glory, Ipomoea mauritiana is another annual vine that comes in a range of colors of pink, purple, blue and white in several various patterns. Morning glory will seed itself wherever you plant it. So, if you really like it, then it will be around for a long time. This vine needs full sun and well-drained soil, but poor soils. An added benefit is that butterflies and hummingbirds are attracted to it. It is a great vine for either a chain-link fence or lattice.
If you are looking for an evergreen vine Virginia creeper, Parthenocissus quinquefolia is one that gives a brilliant fall red color. However, the birds will carry the seeds everywhere. It is listed as an invasive plant. As a vigorous grower it is aggressive and not considered a low-maintenance plant. With full sun, this vine gives a great fall color, but if you need something tolerating partial shade this will thrive. It needs well-drained soil and grows in all soil types. It does tolerate extreme heat and once established needs to be watered occasionally. There is one new cultivated variety Engelmann’s Ivy, P. quinquefolia var. engelmannii is much less aggressive. Another cultivate variety has white variegations on the leaves and is called “Monham.” While yet another has a yellow variegation with white called “Variegata.”
Climbing Hydrangea, Hydrangea petiolaris makes an elegant vine producing fragrant lace-cup flowers. This is also a vine that can be used as a groundcover. It does well in partial shade in hot, dry climates. But remember the more sun, the better vines flower. This vine does require about an inch of water a week in well-drained soil. Fertilize in the spring and after the flowers have bloomed. It does fine in zone five, but sudden frosts may damage flower buds.
Silver Lace vine, Polygonum aubertii is a vigorous deciduous to semi evergreen vine that gets to be 12 to 20 feet tall. It grows best in full sun, but can grow in light shade with moist, well-drained soil. It does tolerate the occasional drought. It grows in zone four. Though this is an easy plant to get established, but it can be invasive.
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