What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Gorman asked to continue as Treasurer; position remains open

The Fleming Town Council met for their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 10 at the Fleming Community Center. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Sue Einspahr at 6:30 p.m. The following council members were present: Stefan Betley, DeeAnn Christopher, Nancy Glaspie, Levi Lowe, John Stone and Ken MacCrone. Also Present were Clay Gorman, Michelle Asfeld, Jeff Rice (Journal-Advocate), Bill Langridge (arrived at 6:33 p.m.), Rob Hobbs (arrived at 6:34 p.m.) and Keith Beck (arrived at 6:35 p.m.).

Additions/Corrections to the Agenda: Betley asked to add the proclamation supporting the Colorado livestock producers to Council Concerns.

Consent Agenda: A motion was made and seconded to approve the Consent Agenda, all voted and the motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Gorman presented the Treasurer’s Report. The General Fund contains $141,755.32, Electric $85,672.35, Water $97,900.03, Sewer $115,017.54 for a NOW Account total of $440,345.24. The MMA balance is $2,543.11 and the CTF balance is $11,126.72 for a total of $454,015.07 in all accounts. Gorman told the Council that the Town received an additional $7,729.24 from CIRSA to repair damage from the wind/hail storm that occurred in June of 2020. The Council asked Beck to get specs in metal roofing and shingles to determine which would be a better solution for the east end of the community center and have the roof fixed. A motion was made and seconded to approve the treasurer’s report, all voted and the motion passed.

Clerk’s Report: Asfeld told the Council that she has reserved April 30 for Fleming’s town clean-up day if they are interested in having it.

Asfeld mentioned that Beck would like a computer for the maintenance department. She presented the Council with a bid from Matt’s Custom Computer Works. Stone verbally gave the Council a bid on a computer from Terry’s Computer Asylum. A motion was made and seconded to purchase the computer from Matt’s Custom Computer Works, all voted, Stone voted against, the motion passed.

Asfeld also said that after not receiving any resumes the second time the Treasurer position was advertised, she visited with Gorman to see if he would be willing to work three or four days a month until someone is hired.

Electric Report: Beck presented a proposal for remote sensor electric meters and possibly water meters. The Council asked him to set up a meeting with the company representative so the Council can determine if the system will work with the software program the Town currently has.

Water Report: Beck said his water certification needs to be updated.

Sewer Report: Beck reported that they have ran the sewer router through most of the north end of town. He also added that people need to stop flushing baby wipes down the toilet because they are not biodegradable.

Streets: Beck said the next thing on the list is grading streets. The Council would like to see the pile of rubbish removed by the railroad.

Health and Safety: The Council discussed an issue with a vehicle in town. Hobbs would like to be part of the Enforcement Officer team. The Council asked that he and Beck contact the town attorney about ordinance enforcement.

Parks and Recreation: NextEra will be asked to provide promised funds directly to Rain Deck for the splashpad at the North Park.

Action Items: A motion was made and seconded to change part of the Wild Horse Ridge Subdivision Zoning from transitional to residential on the first reading, all voted and the motion passed.

A motion was made and seconded to annex the Heritage Museum Park and Recreation Area on the first reading, all voted and the motion passed.

There will be a Public Hearing on April 14 at 6 p.m. regarding the Wild Horse Ridge Subdivision Zoning change and the annexation of the Heritage Museum Park and Recreation Area.

A motion was made and seconded to offer $2,500 for the 1997 Sonoma that Hobbs has been driving, all voted and the motion passed.

A motion was made and seconded to authorize Lowe to bid up to $9,000 for the 2014 Ford F150 pickup from Tall Grass Energy, all voted and the motion passed.

Discussion Items: MacCrone informed the Council the Fleming Fire District may have a 1991 Ford F150 pickup for sale in the near future.

The Council asked Beck to determine what parts are missing from the white town pickup.

A motion was made and seconded to pass a proclamation supporting the Colorado livestock producers, all voted and the motion passed.

Executive Session: At 8:10 p.m. a motion was made by Stone and seconded by Christopher to go into Executive Session according to section 24-6-402(4)(f) under the Colorado Revised Statutes for the purpose of discussing a personnel matter regarding an employee, all voted and the motion passed.

At 8:34 p.m. a motion was made by Betley and seconded by Stone to conclude the Executive Session and return to the regular meeting, all voted and the motion passed.

A motion was made and seconded to ratify the decision that the Personnel Committee made to forward the maintenance supervisor his discretionary days, all voted and the motion passed.

Upcoming Meetings: The Council chose to change the council meetings to the second Wednesday of the month. The next council meeting will be April 14 at 6:30 p.m.

Adjournment: A motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 8:36 p.m., all voted and the motion passed.


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