What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Times Past

85 Years Ago - March 11, 1936

85 Years Ago

March 11, 1936

The Mooney hospital at Haxtun was threatened by fire Tuesday afternoon when an oil burner in the building overflowed, spreading burning oil over the basement floor. The fire was smothered by R.C. Kautter with the use of a hand extinguisher. Mrs. Mooney was in charge of the hospital at the time. Upon discovering the fire, she telephoned the city hall and requested that someone bring a fire extinguisher to the hospital. Mr. Kautter and T.C. Crist were in the city hall at the time. They obtained a hand extinguisher and rushed to the hospital. Because of the dense smoke, Mr. Kautter was forced to crawl on the floor to reach the flames, which were lapping the ceiling. Fortunately, he was able to extinguish the blaze by directing chemical at the base of the flames.

Highland Center News - Just when Fred Sharpe thought he was on the road to recovery, he took a relapse and now complications have set in. He is a very sick man. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Butte and Clyde Sullivan and family called on Fred last Sunday.

70 Years Ago

March 14, 1951

Fifty carlots of wheat and corn were forwarded from Haxtun over the Burlington during the months of January and February, according to a comparative report furnished by G.B. Hire, local agent. Carlots of corn and wheat during the same months of 1950 totaled 61 cars.

"The Whole Truth" is the title of the class play of the Haxtun High School seniors to be presented Friday evening, March 16, at the auditorium. Members of the cast are Shirley Swisher, Bill Glenn, Helen Fryrear, Glen Koch, Bob Rasmussen, Helen Felderman, Marge Gueck, Darrell Smith, Martha Switzer, Orville Forell, Marvin Holstein, and Phyllis Sullivan.

Raymond M. Hahn enlisted in the U.S. Navy in February and is taking his training at San Diego.

Willard Hart of Haxtun recently purchased six purebred Aberdeen-Angus cows from A.W. Lambert of Yuma.

Dailey News - Mrs. Louis Bush, Miss Delma Blobaum, Evelyn Blobaum, and Dolores Frank drove to Denver Saturday where Delma was on the Bible quiz over KOA Sunday morning.

45 Years Ago

March 11, 1976

Debbie Wolff, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Wolff, has been named artist of the month for March at Haxtun. Her instructor is Mrs. Val Gillotte.

Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hinde of Haxtun are the parents of a son born in Boulder on March 6. He has been named Justin Lyle.

Fleming News - Baby boy Garret John Atkins was the inspiration for a baby shower Saturday night. The party was surprise for Garrett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Atkins. Those attending were Mrs. Blanche Bledsoe, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bledsoe, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkins, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Keil of Crook, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Atkins of Haxtun, Mr. and MRs. Glen Thoreson, Eric and Lana.

The Canasta Club met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Glendora Rush. Those present were Mrs. Freida Damrow, Mrs. Connie Jones, Mrs. Eula Lindon, Mrs. Verneda Biesemeier, Mrs. Helen Grauberger, Mrs. Anna Edwards, Mrs. Mildred McConnell and the hostess. The evening was spent playing canasta.

The monthly meeting of the Young Homemakers Club was held Feb. 23 at the home of Mary Ruch. Barb Eckman and Gay McDaniel presented a lesson on quilts.

30 Years Ago

March 14, 1991

Bill Garretson, Director of Emergency Medical Technicians for Haxtun Hospital, welcomed a new Resusci Junior mannequin to the local training program. John Baldwin, owner of Baldwin Chevrolet in Holyoke, made the presentation on behalf of the National Automobile Dealers Charitable Foundation.

Obituary: Dr. Michael Perry Lindberg, 44, of Rancho Santa Fe, Calif., chief of staff at Scripps-Encinitas Memorial Hospital, died of heart attack on Feb. 6, 1991, while attending a medical conference in Kona, Hawaii. His parents are Dr. Arthur and Doris Lundberg, Palos Verdes Estates, Calif. Services were attended by local residents Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Harms and Mr. and Mrs. John Rhodes.

Russell Kinzie of Haxtun will be part of the eight-day McPherson College Concert Choir tour through Kansas and Colorado. The group will be in Haxtun on April 1 at the Church of the Brethren.

10 Years Ago

March 9, 2011

The Haxtun Board of Education held a short, special meeting on Friday, March 4 during which they accepted a resignation from high school math teacher Roy Pfaltzgraff. In his resignation letter addressed to Superintendent Darcy Garretson and BOE members, Pfaltzgraff said, "I am forced to resign my position as math teacher from Haxtun School District, effective immediately. I value the time that I spent here and the may kindnesses that you and my colleagues have demonstrated, especially during this difficult time."

On Feb. 24 the Haxtun National Honor Society held their annual induction ceremony at the Haxtun Community Center for the new members, Kylen Mathias, Joshua Turney and Brittney Mahnke.


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