What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Haxtun Town Council reorganizes at recent meeting

Haxtun's new mayor and council members took their respective seats around the table during an early-May meeting last week; a very wide table as the Council continues to meet at the Haxtun Community Center in order to follow social distancing guidelines set by Colorado Governor Jared Polis.

Before taking his oath of office as Mayor, Brandon Biesemeier resigned from his seat as a council member. After accepting the resignation, the Council presented plaques of recognition to outgoing members Rick Lockwood, Jason Hadeen and Todd Workman.

Workman was elected to the Town Council as a member in 2008 and served in that role until he was voted into the Mayor seat, a role he held for the past four years. Jason Hadeen took a council seat in 2012, serving for a total of eight years, and Lockwood was elected in 2016, serving a total of four years. Each outgoing member received a plaque for their years of service to the Town of Haxtun.

After recognizing the trio for their 24 combined years of service, Town Clerk Karie Wilson administered oaths of office to Mayor Brandon Biesemeier, council members Tana Pope, Ryan Horton and Craig McCarty as well as Police Chief Tanya Mayhew and Deputy Clerk Kelsey Harms. Wilson then also received her oath of office as Clerk.

According to Wilson, Biesemeier's resignation from the Council to accept the Mayor's position leaves a vacant seat on the Council. At the May meeting, council members discussed appointing Bob Coinek to that seat, as he would have been the next elected by the number of votes during elections in early April. No action was taken on the matter but plans are to do so next month.

With everyone sworn in and at their respective places around the council table, members moved onto regular business, appointing a new mayor pro tem; council members voted to appoint Lori Lundgren to that position.

Additionally, the Council acted on a number of liquor license requests following a hearing to which no public comment was received. A liquor license renewal application from Prairie Oasis doing business as Haxtun Liquors was approved and a second, a special events liquor license, was considered from the Haxtun Chamber of Commerce for Old-Fashioned Saturday Night in July. That application will be voted on following a public hearing set for early June.

A third license, from Outback Cookin', contained incomplete paperwork and will be reconsidered during a meeting on May 18. In addition to the liquor license public hearing on that May date, the Council will also attend training as done annually through the Town's insurance.

Before moving onto staff reports from Superintendent Ron Carpenter, Wilson and Mayhew, the Council talked about the upcoming swimming pool season and the state of opening the pool with current COVID-19 restrictions in place.

Wilson said that while the Council wants to open the pool, at the time of the meeting, the Governor's mandates of no gatherings of more than 10 people will not allow the Town to open the pool. As situations change and the Governor announces new mandates in the future and restrictions begin to lift, the Council will continue to discuss opening the pool.

After months of discussion on damage to the curb and sidewalk along Colorado Avenue, Carpenter told the Council he received a bid from LEC to repair two blocks of curb along the west side of Colorado Avenue for the amount of $14,400. Work will begin on the project when time and weather permit.

Carpenter also told the Council that the Town's trash truck needs repairs and in the meantime, he plans to borrow a truck from the City of Holyoke. He also noted he purchased trees for Prospect Park on the southwest end of town. Carpenter also reviewed a list of insurance awards the Town of Haxtun recently received.

Before he was finished, Carpenter presented the Council with possible designs for a new pool, slated to be constructed where the current tennis courts are now. That project is still moving forward. He also said he would be gathering quotes to replace the basketball courts inside the park.

During her report, Mayhew said she has been working with administration at Haxtun Schools to help relieve some traffic concerns in the grade school parking lot. Plans are to paint new lines and put guidelines in place to help ease the flow of traffic.

Mayhew also announced that Mike Beard resigned from the police force to take a job with the Phillips County Sheriff's Office, creating a vacancy within her department. She is currently advertising to fill that position.

Wilson and the Council discussed the Haxtun Community Center, which has been closed due to COVID-19 guidelines. The Council agreed to open the Center back up to groups only with 10 people or less. The kitchen will remain closed at this time, she said.

Wilson also discussed the possibility of moving the date of Haxtun municipal elections to coincide with the general election. Doing so would allow the Town of Haxtun to place ballot issues and general election items on the County's ballot. The Council agreed to continue to look into the option.

At the end of the meeting, in council concerns, Pope asked if it would be possible to add a second round of clean up, like spring clean-up, but in the fall. No decisions were made. Mayor Biesemeier asked Chief Mayhew about her process in checking ordinances, specifically about weeds. She said she does not have a specific day of the week that she checks such issues.

The following building permits were also approved: Patrick Dick, 229 North Logan Avenue for roof repairs; Caroline McLaughlin, 336 North Logan Avenue to reside a home, a new deck and two new exterior doors; Joel Woodside, 145 North Washington Avenue for a dog fence; Kim Guernsey, 241 South Washington Avenue to replace sections of fence; Don Mavis, 505 East Chase Street for a fence; Randy Widgery, 302 East Bryan Street for an add on east end of a building; Justin Stone, 525 East Strohm Street to extend a privacy fence; Betty and Roger Uecker, 526 East Strohm Street to extend a vinyl fence; Cathy Castillo, 305 North Wallce Avenue for a greenhouse; Holly Kelley, 633 West Second street for a sprinkler system; Spelts Roofing, 226 South Colorado Avenue for a re-roof; David Shafer, 345 West Second Street for an electrical upgrade; Wilbur Kipp, 342 West Fletcher Street for a re-roof; Tyler Knode, 225 West Strohm Street for a re-roof; and Garrick Biesemeier, 142 North Logan Avenue for a covered patio.


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