What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

General Assembly seeks to cut $2-$3 billion from 2020-21 budget

Monday, May 4 is the day offices could reopen for up to 50 percent of their workforce, according to the Safer at Home order issued by Governor Jared Polis a week prior.

It’s also the day that budget writers for the Colorado General Assembly got to work to figure out how to cut $2 billion to $3 billion out of the 2020-21 State budget. At $3 billion, that’s just under 10 percent of the total budget, but that includes federal funds, which make up just under one-third.

And that’s in addition to the order Polis gave on April 30 to cut $228.7 million from the 2019-20 budget, most of it from Medicaid...


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