What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Fearless Faith

Resilient churches can weather a little hail

It’s amazing how a splash of color can brighten one’s attitude. We experimented last year with plantings of pansies that, contrary to expectation, were able to thrive throughout most of the summer season. Even better, they were strategically placed to relieve the boredom of anyone working at the kitchen sink, a central hub in that end of the house.

The pansies are tougher than they appear. They handle steady breezes, rogue freezes and the occasional cat digging in the pot. As long as they are watered and fed religiously, even the heat of summer and direct sunshine barely dissuades them.

We embarked on a mission this week to plant a half a dozen decorative pots, the first of this year’s garden plants aside from perennials. The timing was perfect as we were overdue to get outside and soak up some crisp air and sunshine. Fresh layers of potting soil were added to the pots and an initial feeding was watered in. Pride comes before the fall, however, as not ten minutes later the first hail of the season visited with teasing though benign ferocity. The stones were so small that the threat was negligible, but they acted once again as a reminder of the capriciousness of life. In a brief few moments, their point was taken and no damage observed – except for a single stone causing a yelp as it found the end of someone’s nose.

Resilience and optimism are in the hearts of churches and gardeners alike. As uncertain as we may be at times about our faith and its consequences, we can depend on having company along the way if we so choose. It’s neither demanded nor required, but it does make the journey more engaging to share with others. At its best, it can be the ultimate experience in community and caring for others. At worst we encounter unyielding attitudes justified by “God is on our side” thinking that is neither helpful nor productive. We join in chiding the disciples of Jesus who argued among themselves who was best, yet we discover that same perspective in houses of worship today.

Is there only one way of doing church? One way to plant churches? One way to worship God? For example, it is a fact that we are not of one accord in our congregations on the topic of human sexuality. We have been willing to grant wide latitudes of belief to one another on many other theological matters including interpretation of scripture, theories of atonement and creedalism which appears to be making a comeback in many churches. I have no hesitation to recommend persons to specific churches that offer a different Christian experience than my own church can provide. I would also welcome those to my own congregation who would find safety without condemnation in what they seek.

A comment by David Ulm, Woodbury, Penn. in the April 2020 “Messenger” magazine contains a noteworthy observation. “When we allow our convictions to denigrate and dismiss those who disagree with us on any point, we can hardly claim to be following Jesus or honoring the word of God. If we live out our convictions in love for others, especially our brothers and sisters in Christ … we will truly be witnessing to the love and grace of Jesus.”

We might even consider risking something big like planting pansies in full sun and challenging the weather service to prove us wrong. And our apologies for the next time you experience hail. Know that it is just us tamping in a few more bedding plants on the season.


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