What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Haxtun BOE votes to purchase new bus

After several months of discussions on various makes and models, the Haxtun Board of Education voted during their February meeting to purchase a handicap accessible vehicle. The vote came at the Feb. 18 meeting, which opened with a finance report as the focus topic from District Bookkeeper Lynda Firme.

Firme, who has been giving new board members an update on all things finances over the past few months focused on sources of revenue for the February meeting. The month before, she talked with board members about salaries and where each administrator and staff member sits on their respective salary schedule.

This month, Firme reviewed the three main areas of income, including local taxes, State equalization and Federal grants. She explained how the per pupil count is figured at the State level while also providing members with revenue budget and cash flow reports.

Later, in administrative reports, Superintendent Darcy Garretson gave an update on recent issues with the high school phone system and filtering software. Garretson said as of Monday afternoon, the high school phones were still out of service and that all calls are coming into the elementary office and then directed where they need to be.

She said technology employee Adam Schendel had been on site over the weekend working to correct the problem, but that the District had to purchase a new server and it had not yet arrived.

While discussing action items, the BOE voted to purchase a 14-passenger mini bus that will be modified with a wheelchair lift as well as a wheelchair tie down system. She said the District plans to purchase the mini bus from BlueBird for $76,000.

The bus purchase has been a topic of discussion in several past meetings, when Garretson said it was an absolute necessity to accommodate students who utilize a wheelchair. The mini bus will be used on daily routes as well as trips and activities when needed.

Board members also acted on several personnel matters, first accepting a resignation from Taiit Dixon as inside maintenance. The BOE later voted to hire Jerry Wagoner to fill the position. He plans to start on March 9.

The Board voted to approve the dismissal of Twila Squires, who drove a route bus. Currently, Darwin Jeffers is filling in as a daily route driver and the District is hiring for additional help with both route and activity drivers.

In one last action item, the BOE acted to approve the 2020-2021 school calendar. Garretson said the calendar for next year is very similar to the current year and was reviewed by the calendar committee, staff and accountability committee before its final approval.

At the end of the meeting, during discussion topics, Garretson told board members that a new construction manager was on site to help wrap up projects that have been taking place since school released last May. She said with the exception of the roof on the ag shop, all things still left undone are small, minor projects that are being wrapped up. Plans are to put the new roof on the ag shop this spring when weather permits.

The BOE also discussed topics for an accountability committee charge. Plans are to talk about the topic more during a board retreat slated for March 4.

The next BOE meeting is slated for March 23 at 5 p.m.


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