What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Articles from the 'sponsored by knode realty & auction' series

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  • Times Past

    May 24, 2023

    13 Years Ago May 25, 1938 Air mail letters, mailed at Haxtun last Wednesday and Thursday were dispatched by plane here Thursday morning through facilities of a special one-day mail service. Between 75 and 100 letters made up the pouch of mail picked up at Haxtun, according to Tom C. Crist, local postmaster. Several good rain fell through this section of the state during the past week to aid, farming, and soil conditions. Prospects have improved again this week, and the farming region looks...

  • Times Past

    May 17, 2023

    13 Years Ago May 18, 1938 Dr. Limus Maurice Raring, Haxtun physician, passed away at a Sterling hospital Saturday afternoon. He had not fully recovered from an attack of influenza. He was taken to Sterling in the ambulance Friday suffering from pneumonia, which illness caused his death. Gracie Allen and George Burns and Martha Raye head the All-Star cast of the new paramount musical comedy, "College Swing," which comes to the Rialto Theater Friday and Saturday. They are assisted by Bob Hope,...

  • Times Past

    May 10, 2023

    13 Years Ago May 11, 1938 Good progress is being made on construction of the high school gymnasium at Haxtun and bricklayers are expected to complete their work by the end of the week. 70 Years Ago May 13, 1953 Mrs. Gus Beckman and her son Everett, former Haxtun residents, both passed away at their homes in Denver following heart attacks. The mother's death was evidently caused from the shock of learning that her son, 48, had suffered a heart attack. Lee Bamford of Wenatchee, Wash., is expected...

  • Times Past

    Apr 26, 2023

    13 Years Ago April 20, 1938 Mrs. Ella Sharpe entertained with a lovely Easter breakfast at her home Sunday morning. Guests were Mesdames C.W. Schofield, Carl Zeigler, Grover Clark, Gordon McIntyre, Milton Cooper, Harold Rumin of Denver, and Mrs. Esther Ewing and Maxine Gale. The Dunbar twins, former high school athletes, here, competed for Colorado University in a dual track meet against Wyoming U last Saturday. Boyd Dunbar was winner of the half-mile run with a time of 2:05.6 Lloyd Dunbar place...

  • Times Past

    Apr 19, 2023

    13 Years Ago April 13, 1938 Resignations were received from John B. Nauman, teacher of the seventh grade, and Ruby Bellamy, first grade instructor. Only one of these vacancies will be filled, however, as the staff is being reduced from nine to eight teachers. C.A. Skold will teach academic subjects in addition to his duties as principal. H.E. Anderson of Willard is an addition to the staff. No change was made in salaries of teachers for the coming year. Highland Center News - The blizzard of...

  • Times Past

    Apr 5, 2023

    13 Years Ago March 30, 1938 Haxtun voters will have the choice between two candidates for mayor in the Tuesday election: O.K. Clark and Ralph L. Scott. Three of the six candidates for trustee were nominated and endorsed by both the Citizens' and Progressive parties. They are A.J. Ahnstedt, W.L. Bamford, E.M. Harrell, Leonard Sharp, M.E. Thornhill and B.B. Williams. Paoli News - Mr. and Mrs. Gus Holstein and Mr. and Mrs. Toney Hagan spent Saturday in Wray, where they take health treatments....

  • Times Past

    Mar 29, 2023

    13 Years Ago March 23, 1938 In honor of their 70th wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McConnell, were given a surprise party last Wednesday, March 16, by their neighbors and friends. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. Claud Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goddard, Mr. and Mrs. Dana Archbold, and Mr. and Mrs. Abner Dunbar. Closing a successful basketball season, the Dailey High School team won the Logan County Tournament, which took place in Sterling last weekend. The title gives Dailey...

  • Times Past

    Mar 22, 2023

    13 Years Ago March 16, 1938 Kenneth Lyle Alberts, 9-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Alberts of Paoli, passed away Saturday morning at his home. The little boy had suffered poor health during the greater part of his lifetime. Overcome by escaping fumes from a hot water heater, Dr. and Mrs. W.E. Mooney and son Kenneth, became violently ill at their home here Saturday evening. Those stricken were received by nurses at the Mooney hospital. The hot water heater used gasoline as fuel. Miss Iris...

  • Times Past

    Mar 15, 2023

    13 Years Ago March 9,1938 Fitzgerald's Café will be opened to the public this coming Saturday, it has been announced by L.E. Fitzgerald, the proprietor. The business is located in the Fitzgerald building. Dailey News - Callers at the Dale Kennedy home Thursday night were Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Augenstein, Mr. and Mrs. V.E. Kennedy and Phyllis, and Mrs. Harold, Kennedy and son Keith. 70 Years Ago March 11, 1953 The Town of Haxtun recently purchased a used diesel-type Adams motor grader at a sale at...

  • Times Past

    Mar 8, 2023

    13 Years Ago March 2, 1928 Miss Margaret Vay Chryst of this city and George Thompson of Venango, Neb., were married at Holyoke Friday, Feb. 18, by County Judge A.T. Searle, in the presence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Chryst, and brother, Wayne. At a quiet ceremony here Tuesday morning, Miss Cora Talbert of Haxtun, and Mr. Andrew Beal of Holyoke, were married by the Rev. E.F. Weaver. The wedding took place at the Brethren parsonage at 10 o'clock. Announcements have been received...

  • Times Past

    Feb 22, 2023

    13 Years Ago Feb. 16, 1938 E.E. Cronquist and W.L. Garretson will hold a farm sale on Saturday of this week at the farm one-half mile north of Haxtun. The list is headed by 24 head of milk cows. Forty head of livestock, farm machinery and equipment will be sold at an auction Monday by Henry Dillehay and Clarence Sullivan at the farm one-half mile west of Paoli on the highway. The list includes 12 head of horses. Miss Helen Trego, and Arvid O. Anderson were the principals in a pretty wedding, whi...

  • Times Past

    Feb 8, 2023

    13 Years Ago Feb. 2, 1938 Included in the cast of the annual junior class play Rex Mooney, Everett McConnell, Jeane Beckman, Georgibelle Smith, Mary Clark, Junior Meakins, Phyllis Anderson, Reinder Deburh and Jean Young. "Broadway Bound" is the name of the play set for Thursday night of next week at the Rialto Theater. Sub-zero weather visited Haxtun for a brief spell this week, but the storm was of short duration. The cold spell was discomforting to residence of this community, especially so...

  • Times Past

    Feb 1, 2023

    13 Years Ago Jan. 26, 1938 A public sale is being advertised for next Monday by John B. Cooler two and one-half miles south and one and one-half miles west of Fleming. The list includes six head of horses, 11 head of cattle and farm machinery. Numerous items of household furniture, chickens, feed, hay and other farm equipment will be disposed of at auction with Ray Price, auctioneer. Harvey Stenmark of Denver was awarded the contract to build the new high school gymnasium at Haxtun. His base...

  • Times Past

    Jan 18, 2023

    13 Years Ago Jan. 12, 1938 Vocational agriculture students in the local high school made a good showing in the grain judging contest held in Yuma last Saturday. The team placed fourth out of 15 schools. Those making the trip were Clarence Rhodes, Robert Reynolds, Dean Schachterle, Rex Mooney, Laurie Ramsay and Delbert Sack. C.W. Scofield is their instructor. At its regular luncheon meeting at the coffee shop last Monday, the Haxtun Commercial Club voted to retain its present officers for the...

  • Times Past

    Dec 21, 2022

    13 Years Ago Dec. 22, 1937 The traditional Christmas morning service will be held at five o'clock Saturday morning at the Fairfield Church. At this inspiring Christmas service, there will be music by the choir and a message from the pastor. A recent issue of the Boulder Camera carried a story that announced the engagement of Wesley McCune of Haxtun and Miss Laura Lawrence of Wichita, Kan. Miss Lawrence has the distinction of being Miss Colorado U, one of her recent achievements on the campus. Pa...

  • Times Past

    Dec 14, 2022

    13 Years Ago Dec. 15, 1937 The corner drugstore: Evening in Paris sets, $1.10 and up; manicuring sets 25¢ to $2.50; electric toasters, $1.19; electric waffle irons, $3.50; electric razors, $10; tinker toys, 50¢; G-Man outfits, 10-25¢; cigarettes, carton, $1.00 and up. 70 Years Ago Dec. 17, 1952 Hospital news: Mrs. Adolph Klinzman of Yuma was dismissed Saturday. Her infant daughter will remain in the hospital for a few more days. The R. K. Scott baby was released last Wednesday. The hospital wi...

  • Times Past

    Dec 7, 2022

    13 Years Ago Dec. 8, 1937 Jack Kennedy, of near Dailey, suffered a gunshot wound in his foot Tuesday afternoon when the .22-caliber rifle he was using to hunt rabbits was accidentally discharged. The bullet passed through the flesh of his foot, but luckily struck no bones. The date for the opening of bids for construction of the new high school building at Haxtun has been changed from Dec. 10 to Dec. 13, according to word received from J.K. Monroe, architect. Miss Florence Turner, and Mr. Max Di...

  • Times Past

    Nov 30, 2022

    13 Years Ago Dec. 1, 1937 Mr. and Mrs. Clair Skold entertained Thanksgiving Day with a turkey dinner. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Orton Wood, Mrs. Mary E. Wood and Mr. Skold's brothers, Bernard Skold of Denver and Lawrence Skold of Fort Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Acott, Fleming, and their two daughters, Dona Lee, and Mary Elizabeth Acott, and Miss Evelyn Wood and Jimmie Wood. A wedding of much interest to Haxtun people is that of Miss Barsha Hire and Mr. Clyde Drew, which took place in San...

  • Times Past

    Nov 23, 2022

    13 Years Ago Nov. 24, 1937 The J.J. Playmate Club met at the home of Mary Jane Jankovsky on Saturday, Nov. 20. During the afternoon, the members embroidered. Those present were Joan Bentson, Elaine Barker, Mary Ellen Bamford, Emma Jean Baker, Dolores Thornhill, Jaralee Meekins, Sarah Jean Beedle, Maxine Work and Mrs. Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. C.C. McCune will spend Thanksgiving Day with relatives in Denver and attend the Denver University/Boulder University football game Thursday afternoon. North Coun...

  • Times Past

    Nov 2, 2022

    13 years ago Nov. 3, 1937 Mrs. Emery Price entertained a number of guests Sunday in honor of the birthday anniversary of Mr. Price's father, D. Price. Guests who enjoyed the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gretch and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Price and family of Yuma, Mr. and Mrs. James Price and family of Haxtun, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cheramy. A venison dinner was served the guests. Announcing the intention of quitting the hardware business this week, the Boyd Hardware Company of Haxtun is...

  • Times Past

    Oct 12, 2022

    13 years ago Oct. 13, 1937 G.W. Gordon, president of the Haxtun State Bank, was notified Monday morning by the Director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Mo., that the bank's membership in the Federal Reserve System had been confirmed. The directors of the Haxtun institution besides Gordon, J.A. Brooks, C.J. Mosier, C.L. Reynolds and M.W. Gordon. Highland Center News – Leo Butte left to join the CCC last Wednesday. His parents have received word that he is stationed at Red Feather Lake...

  • Times Past

    Sep 28, 2022

    13 Years Ago Sept. 29, 1937 Clithro Barkey sold 55 head of hogs on the Haxtun market today to B. Wiliams for the sum of $2,232. The hogs weighed 23,620 pounds and Mr. Barkey was paid $9.45 a hundred pounds. Lee Hair, of the community eight miles south and one and one half miles east of Paoli, is advertising a sale for Oct. 4. Mrs. John E. Becker sale will be held at the Becker farm eight miles south and six miles west of Haxtun on Oct. 7. Arthur Lewman is announcing his sale at the farm 13...

  • Times Past

    Sep 21, 2022

    13 Years Ago Sept. 22, 1937 The first pension checks authorized under the new $45-a-month pension law were received at Haxtun Tuesday. The checks were mailed from Holyoke by Dana Archbold, county director of public welfare. There were 110 who received checks in the county this month. Arland Weers, age 3, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Weers of Venango, was fatally injured Saturday afternoon when struck by a truck on the highway at Venango. The little fellow had gone to the store to buy an ice cream...

  • 85 Years Ago Sept. 8, 1937

    Sep 7, 2022

    13 Years Ago Sept. 8, 1937 The Rev. C.E. Douhan, 91, died at hiis home in the Fairfield community Sunday, Sept. 5. He and his wife had made their home on a farm one mile north of the Fairfield church for the past 17 years. The young son and baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Clark were overcome by monoxide gas at the Clark home early Monday morning. The children were taken outdoors and the doctor was called. They were revived in a short time. The gas was escaping from a gasoline heater attache...

  • Times Past

    Aug 24, 2022

    13 Years Ago Aug. 25, 1937 The one-year-old boy of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevenson of south of Haxtun was brought to town Monday evening for medical attention after the little fellow drank a small amount of kerosene. According to Dr. J.W. Kinzie, who gave the youngster treatment, he was not suffering any ill effects Tuesday morning. A special softball game between a colored girls' team and the Texaco Oilers will be played at the Haxtun diamond Wednesday evening. The colored team is known as Metz...

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