What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope
Sorted by date Results 101 - 125 of 157
13 Years Ago Aug. 11, 1937 Mistaking a poison powder containing strychnine for what she thought was a stomach powder caused the tragic death here last Thursday of Mrs. Lavenna Mathews of south of Fleming. Mrs. Mathews, who was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Sanders of Haxtun, was 18 years of age and was the mother of a two-year-old boy. She was able to tell of the incident before she passed away. Pumpkin Vine News - Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Kinzie and children left on a trip to the mountains...
13 Years Ago July 7, 1037 Martin Bryant, a resident of the Haxtun community for nearly 30 years, passed away last Saturday night (July 3, 1937) at the farmhouse where he was farming southwest of town. He was 52 years of age. He also served for a time as a night marshal here. North County Line - Phyllis Anderson, Arvid Anderson and Hele Trego visited over the Fourth in Greeley. Miss Freda Anderson, who has been visiting here for a couple of weeks, accompanied them home. Dailey News - Mr. and...
13 Years Ago June 30, 1937 After a lingering illness of three years, death brought an end of the suffering of N.S. Crow, 73, of Haxtun late Tuesday evening of this week (June 29, 1937). Miss Doris Jessen became the bride of Mr. Ellis Hart last Thursday afternoon at a weeding that took place at the home of the bride's parents north of Haxtun. Water was turned into the new municipal swimming pool at Haxtun Wednesday of this week and by Thursday the pool will again be opened to the public. Workmen...
13 Years Ago June 23, 1937 Clair Saylor, 16, of Fleming, was brought to Haxtun Tuesday morning to receive treatment for severe burns on the face and chest. He received the injuries when he was scalded in attempting to remove the radiator cap from a tractor. He was given medical attention at the Mooney hospital. Mrs. G.B. Hire and daughter Dorothy, and Maine Collins left last Wednesday for Los Angeles, Calif., where they will visit for a time with Mrs. Hire's brother and other relatives. Vernon D...
13 Years Ago June 16, 1937 In the presence of a large number of relatives and friends, Miss Lucille Crossland and Mr. John Larson of Haxtun were married last Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. E.F. Weaver, pastor of the Church of the Brethren. An unannounced bicycle trip to Holyoke by two seven-year-old Haxtun girls caused their parents a great deal of worry here Sunday evening. The youngsters, JoDelle Barker and Dolores Thornhill, started about five o'clock...
13 Years Ago June 9, 1937 Haxtun was assured a new high school auditorium and gymnasium building Monday when voters decided in favor of the bond issues that will supplement a federal grant to construct the new addition. According to unofficial returns from the 38 school districts, the majority in favor of the proposition was 55 votes. McCoy Wisdom was engaged as city lineman in Haxtun at the regular meeting of the town council last Monday evening. He will replace Roy Albershardt, who recently...
13 Years Ago June 2, 1937 Voters will go to the polls next Monday to decide upon the construction of a high school auditorium and addition in the Haxtun branch of the county high school system. According to a ruling made by the state, those persons who have paid a tax of any kind between June 7, 1936, and June 7, 1937, may vote at the bond election. Voting places will be in each of the 38 districts in the county and the polls will be open from five until eight o'clock in the evening. Visitors...
13 Years Ago May 19, 1937 Seniors to graduate Thursday from Haxtun: Kenneth Boeve, Victor Crossland, Verne Conquist, William Des Voigne, Rex Edwards, Lowell Heiny, Milton Hill, Clinton Jeffers, Clyde Jeffers, LeRoy Lingle, Laurence Lucke, Virgil Miller, Lloyd Rambow, Frank Radford, John Rhodes, Robert Schachterle, Gilbert Seger, Floy Ahnstedt, Marian Barkey, Alice Crossland, Sylvia Fuesz, Irma Lee Hair, Coral Hart, Avalee Henry, Mildred Hill, Hazel Hunt, Opal James, Carie Mae Jessen, Eloise...
13 Years Ago May 12, 1937 Showing extreme boldness, thieves visited the Henry Anderson farm in the Fairfield community last Thursday night and made off with two fat hogs. Mr. Anderson said that a similar theft occurred in March of this year when four hogs were taken from the pen. He says that the visitors may save the trouble of coming back, as the remaining hogs were taken to market this week. Graduates of Haxtun: Harold Delander, Winnifred Chryst, Irma Hannewald, Rex Hess, Dorothy Snyder,...
13 Years Ago April 28, 1937 Another business firm in Haxtun changed hands this week when Ruby's Cash Market was purchased by H.B. Prouty and son Floyd. Floyd will be in charge of the store, which is located in the Shirley Hotel building. Clinton Jeffers was high-point man of Monday's Haxtun-Holyoke track meet with a total of 22 points. Arden Sack was second with 21 points. Donnelly of Holyoke had 17, and Clyde Jeffers had 16. Teachers for the grade school at Haxtun for the 1937-38 year: first,...
13 Years Ago April 14, 1937 A county-wide meeting of farmers and businessmen interested in rural electrification under the REA was held in Paoli Saturday night. A kilowatt hour, which can be delivered to the farm for approximately two cents, is equivalent to one-half gallon of gasoline and will do the same work. Eph Johnson and Paoli was elected temporary chairman of the group of volunteers. Sophmore play gets big hand from audience. Cast members of "Everybody's Crazy": Arden Sack, Clarence...
13 Years Ago April 7, 1937 Funeral services were held last Saturday morning for Mrs. R.T. Fisher, who passed away Thursday at her home in Haxtun. She was 61 years, six months and 28 days old. She was the mother of 10 children, two having preceded her in death. It was learned this week that the election to decide the question of voting bonds for a new high school gymnasium at Haxtun will be in a special election in the latter part of May. 70 Years Ago April 9, 1952 Glenn J. Jones, secretary of...
13 Years Ago March 24, 1937 Clifford Ruch, the four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Ruch of the Fairfield community, passed away Tuesday (March 23, 1937) at the Mooney hospital after a short illness. The little boy had undergone an operation for appendicitis about two weeks ago and was apparently recovering. He contracted pneumonia a few days ago, however, which caused his death. County Line News - Mrs. Paul Holmquist and son Vernon came down from Byers Sunday, bringing Curtis Ruch, who has...
13 Years Ago March 17, 1937 A business deal was completed at Haxtun this week in which the dental practice of Dr. V.R. Butler was sold to Dr. C.W. Buck of Otis. Philorado News - Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Starkebaum and Ethelyn and Mrs. and Mrs. Ernest Starkebaum and Clark were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Biesemeier and family. Good Hope News - We understand a family from Eckley has rented the Barta place and will move there sometime this spring. Dailey News - Mary Lee Cassell has been spending the...
13 Years Ago March 10, 1937 Wesley McCune won the championship in the 145-pound class in intramural wrestling in Boulder last weekend. This is the second year that Wesley has won that medal. Henry Thompson, 59, well-known farmer of the Haxtun community passed away last Thursday (March 4, 1937) following an operation. Funeral services were held in Fleming for Irvil Lippitt, 42, well-known farmer of that district, who died Sunday (March 7, 1937). 70 Years Ago March 12, 1952 Mr. and Mrs. Marlowe...
13 Years Ago March 3, 1937 A new school gymnasium at Haxtun came a step nearer reality this week when the Phillips County High School committee voted to submit the proposition to voters. It is understood that a bond issue of not to exceed $35,000 will be requested, which will be combined with a government PWA grant to carry out the project. A variety store was opened in one of the Barker buildings in Haxtun last week by Mrs. Mae Sullivan. 70 Years Ago March 5, 1952 Miss Valva Hill became the bri...
13 Years Ago Feb. 24, 1937 A pie and box supper will be held in connection with the literary at the Sun Beam School Friday evening. Everyone welcome. Mrs. Monteith, 43, died suddenly from apoplexy; the community was shocked last Friday evening to learn of the death of Mrs. D.S. (Margaret Manning) Monteith, which occurred quite suddenly at the family home here. A pretty wedding that took place last Wednesday, Feb. 17, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Ricker of Ovid, their daughter, Miss Violet...
13 Years Ago Feb. 17, 1937 J.M. Delander was a passenger to Denver on the Burlington bus Tuesday morning. Dailey News - The Dailey teachers attended a teachers' meeting in Sterling Saturday. Philorado News - Clair Spanjer had the misfortune to have his kneecap broken las week. Reports are that he is recovering nicely. The Haxtun Harvest has a birthday this week, entering into its 19th year with Volume 19, Number One. The Misses Margaret Mattson and Catherine Andrews, Holyoke, were overnight...
13 Years Ago Feb. 3, 1937 A chick hatchery will be located at Haxtun during the coming months, it was announced by C.H. Whomble, owner of the General Electric hatcheries in northeastern Colorado and southwestern Nebraska. Mr. Whomble is seeking several good flocks of hens to supply hatching eggs. The hatchery will be located in the Suhl building east of the Suhl garage. Mrs. Leonard Sharpe entertained a number of young people last Sunday afternoon in honor of her son Keith, who was celebrating...
13 Years Ago Jan. 27, 1937 Mrs. E. (Caroline Kolb) Bamford, 67, one of the oldest residents of the Haxtun community, passed away last Thursday (Jan. 21, 1937) at her home in Dailey. A new business firm, handling the John Deere line of farm machinery, will be opened at Haxtun this eek by Lamb and Lamb of Proctor. The business will be located in the Donaldson building on main street and will be under the management of W.C. Meink. Vern Abner Dunbar and Arvid Glen Wedin, Haxtun, and Clara Alice Mock...
13 Years Ago Jan. 20, 1937 Earl Atkins, Fleming girl married Jan. 3: The marriage of Miss Mildred Bledsoe of Fleming and Earl Atkins of Haxtun took place on Sunday, Jan. 3 at the Community Church in Fleming. The two o'clock p.m. ceremony was performed by the Rev. L.A. Haruf. One of the oldest residents of the Haxtun country was called to his reward during the past week when Samuel E. Nelson, 78, passed away Saturday (Jan. 16, 1937) as the result of influenza. He was a resident of this community...
13 Years Ago Jan. 13, 1937 The Haxtun Volunteer Fire department will probably display a new fire truck in the near future, following action by the town board to purchase complete new equipment. The new custom-built truck will be mounted on a Chevrolet chassis that has been purchased from Ace Goddard of the Clark Chevrolet Company. Local officers were searching the town and countryside here Saturday evening in an effort to locate two young men who passed counterfeit coins at a Haxtun business...
13 Years Ago Jan. 6, 1937 Hanson L. Friend, 76, well known farmer of south of Haxtun, passed away at a hospital in Sterling last Saturday morning (Jan. 2, 1937). He is survived by sons Leslie, Alva and Robert, and daughters Mrs. Elmer Felderman and Mrs. Harry Martin. Relatives here received word Sunday of the death of Mrs. Ernest Anderson, 36, formerly June Hadeen of Holdrege, Nebr., the daughter of Gust Hadeen of Haxtun. News has been received here of the death of Harley L. Fore, 78, Portland,...
13 Years Ago Dec. 30, 1936 The wedding of Miss Ardythe Crowell of Haxtun and Gus Anderson of Holyoke occurred in Sterling Christmas morning at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. Willard Scott. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Victor Schroeder, pastor of the First Evangelical Church. As a result of a systematic program conducted under the guidance of the Nebraska College of Agriculture, there was a marked increase in the number of trench silos built and filled in that state this year....
13 Years Ago Dec. 23, 1936 With plenty of live targets available, hunters brought to an end one of the largest rabbit hunts ever to be held in this territory last Thursday. It was estimated that from 5,000 to 8,000 rabbits were killed during two organized drives, enough to fill several trucks. S.J. Meakins, John Sandquist, R. Ewegen, and Arthur Falk, Phillips County Commissioners, returned home last Thursday from Peoria, Ill., where they had been guests of Caterpiller Tractor Company on a trip...