Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 157
13 years ago Dec.20, 1939 Deaths: Mrs. Carrie Wiles, 63, Dec. 17, 1939, of pneumonia. Alvin Anderson, 8, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson of 11 miles south of Haxtun, suffered painful injuries Saturday morning when part of a wind-charger tower collapsed and fell on him. Mr. Anderson was working on the tower and fell 12 feet to the ground. Dear Santa Claus, Will you please bring me a rubber horse, pigs, and blocks and candy and nuts. I am a good boy and I would like to have earmuffs. Kermit...
13 Years Ago Dec. 13, 1939 Miss Inez Roeder of Sterling and Lawrence M. Anderson, formerly of Haxtun, were married last Sunday in a ceremony at the Evangelical Church in Sterling. The double-ring service was performed by the Rev. Harvey W. Marks. Mr. and Mrs. C.G. Galbreath, Haxtun, will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on Friday, Dec. 25. John Kirchhofer of Haxtun purchased the Fitzgerald Café. Mr. Kirchhofer and Richard Yorke have been operating the Haxtun Café for some time. All e...
13 Years Ago Dec. 6, 1939 A new bowling alley will be opened during the coming week in the building formally occupied by W.C. Moore. The operator will be W.F. Greenlee, who has been busy installing four alleys. The game may be played by both men and women. Deaths: James Fitzgerald Sr., 63, Dec. 1, 1939; Betty Jean Morton, 16, Dec. 6, 1939; N.M. Hair, 88, Paoli, Dec. 1, 1939. Next Tuesday is a day for a rabbit hunt in the Bryant community south of Haxtun, sponsored by the Farmers' Union. A free...
13 Years Ago Nov. 29, 1939 A pretty wedding took place at the Methodist Church Sunday with Miss Trilba Goddard of Haxtun became the bride of Mr. Elwood Brock of Denver. The 12:30 o'clock single-ring ceremony was read by Rev. W. Drummond, pastor of the church. A farewell for Rev. and Mrs. E.W. Fondell and was held at the Fairfield Church Sunday. They left Monday for their new home at Paxton, Ill., where they will take charge of a pastorate. About 200 were present for the farewell meal. Mr. and Mr...
13 Years Ago Nov. 22, 1939 A fire Friday morning at the Ivan Hodge farm south of Fleming destroyed the house and almost all the furnishings and clothing of the family. An overheated stove was believed to have been the cause of the blaze. Mrs. Hodge had carried all of the clothing out in baskets, but this was not removed far enough from the house and caught fire and burned. At the Rialto: "Law of the Pampas," "Tarzan Finds a Son," and "Cowboy Quarterback." The role of Tarzan's son is played by...
13 Years Ago Nov. 15, 1939 Mr. and Mrs. C.O. Lundberg of the Fairfield community celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary on Monday, Nov. 13. They came to Colorado 43 years ago. Their children are Mrs. B.J. Anderson, Mrs. Paul Holmquist, Mrs. Henry Anderson, Mrs. Eph C. Johnson, Roy Lundberg and Arthur Lundberg. Miss Helen Crist and E.J. Witt, Jr., Haxtun young people, were married here Saturday afternoon by Rev. E.F. Weaver, pastor of the Church of the Brethren. The ceremony took place at the...
13 Years Ago Nov. 8, 1939 Several bidders were present at the auction sale of real estate lying about 12 miles northeast of Haxtun and town property belonging to the estate of Alice J. Allen, deceased. Singers organize chorus at Haxtun with new officers: Mrs. M.G. Talcott, chairman; Mrs. W.L. Bamford, secretary/treasurer; Oletha Koch, librarian; and Mrs. Ralph Scott, pianist. Miss Evelyn Scott will be the Director. 70 Years Ago Nov. 10, 1954 Fleming News - Mr. and Mrs. Gene Dillenburg are the...
13 Years Ago Nov. 1, 1939 Mrs. Walter E. Hickey, well-known resident of the community south of Haxtun, passed away at her home Tuesday evening. Her age at the time of death was 48 years, three months and 26 days. Mrs. Cynthia E. Olson, one of the oldest pioneer residents of Haxtun, passed away at her home Tuesday evening at the age of 83 years. She came to the Haxtun territory over 50 years ago, and with her husband, homesteaded five miles northeast of town. Surviving children: Henry Roy,...
13 Years Ago Oct. 25, 1939 Mr. and Mrs. August Bjorklun were among those honored at the 50th anniversary celebration of Sedgwick County and Julesburg Saturday. The Haxtun couple had the distinction of being the oldest living married couple at the celebration who had been married in Sedgwick County. They received marriage license number 95 in Sedgwick County. They were married on Feb. 22, 1899. Bryant News - Mr. and Mrs. John C. Anderson were supper at the Charles Bennett home Thursday. Highland...
13 Years Ago Oct. 18, 1939 The highest average payment in more than a year and a half went to Colorado's old age pensioners this month. The average payment was $32.33, or $4 more than the average in September. Among those who returned this week with game from deer hunting were A. Jankovsky, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Scott, E.M. Harrell, George Mutchie, A.F. Scott, Milton Hill, Everett Davis, Rex Mooney, John Wright, Gus Hadeen, Leonard Sharpe, Roy Ahnstedt, A.R. Haskins,...
13 Years Ago Oct. 11, 1939 A pretty wedding took place at the Church of the Brethren in Haxtun Sunday when Miss Mildred Ann Kinzie became the bride of Mr. Kenneth Egelhoff. The ceremony took place at three o'clock and was performed by Rev. Roscoe P. Baker, uncle of the bride. Corn Festival: There were 393 separate entries of agricultural product shown at the Lamb exhibit hall. Ten ears yellow dent corn, Joe Moon; 10 ears white dent corn, Chase Meakins; 10 ears popcorn, C.P. Kennedy; 10 ears any...
13 Years Ago Oct. 4, 1939 There is much confusion regarding the date of Thanksgiving Day this year and it appears that there will be two holidays for many residents of Colorado. Some weeks ago, President Roosevelt issued a proclamation fixing Nov. 23 as the Thanksgiving date. On Tuesday of this week, Governor Ralph Carr set Nov. 30 as Thanksgiving Day in Colorado. Roosevelt's reason for celebrating on Nov. 23 was to allow another week for Christmas shopping, thereby benefiting businesses through...
13 Years Ago Sept. 27, 1939 Apparatus that will make it possible to operate clocks from electric current in Haxtun has been installed by the town this week. The equipment is a master clock, which controls the average frequency of electric current and maintains steady and accurate operation of an electric clock. Time signals will be obtained from the U.S. Naval Observatory at Washington, D.C. Highland Center News - We are glad to learn Mrs. Carl Olson is much better after a week's illness. She...
13 Years Ago Sept. 20, 1939 Six-man football, a game new to this territory, is attracting much interest in northeastern Colorado this fall. The six-man game, which makes it possible for small schools to play football, originated in Nebraska and is being introduced in this region. Dailey High School is a member of the new league. Others: Atwood, Ovid, Sedgwick, Crook and Merino. Merrill Cheramy, 15-year-old high school student at Haxtun, passed away at a hospital here Sunday afternoon after an il...
13 Years Ago Sept. 13, 1939 Funeral services were held Friday morning for Margie Mae Hadeen, 13, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Hadeen, who passed away last Wednesday. Five years ago, she was afflicted with rheumatism. This ailment developed into heart trouble, which caused her death. Margie's twin sister died at the age of two months. Squad in training for fall schedule. Team members: Prentice Williams, Bill Beckman, Starkebaum, Bentsen, Bob Reynolds, Beckman, Stewart, Extrom, Junior Olson, Har...
13 Years Ago Sept. 6, 1939 Europe was plunged into its second world war this week, following a succession of events that started Friday, Sept. 1. With the opening of German hostilities against Poland last week in an attempt by Chancellor Adolf Hitler to return the free city of Danzig and the Polish corridor to the German Reich, intense fighting has occurred in the Polish state. The climax came Sunday when Great Britain and France, pledged to aid Poland in case of invasion, declared war against...
13 Years Ago Aug. 30, 1939 Vacation time will end for students at Haxtun this week, and schools will summon young people to return to classes. Both the grade school and high school will open next Monday morning, Sept. 4, according to Principal C.A. Skold. Teachers in the grade school include Marie Johnson, Fern Schachterle, M. Celeste Donnelly, Gladys Skold and Mrs. Lida Berkey. Departmental work will be in effect in the sixth, seventh and eighth grades with Darle Pearson, H.D. Anderson and...
13 Years Ago Aug. 23, 1939 Ralph Hallinan of Golden has been employed as social science instructor and athletic coach at the Haxtun High School, according to an announcement made this week by Marion G. Talcott, principal of the school. C.M. Bertagnolli, coach last year, recently resigned to accept the superintendency of a cooperative farm for young men near Grand Junction. Midway News - Mr. and Mrs. Chase Meakins and Viola Belle, Mrs. Ella Monk and Mahlon Jones returned home last week from...
13 Years Ago Aug.16, 1939 W.S. Berrier of Yuma has leased the Haxtun Bakery and will open the business in the near future. The bakery was recently closed after being operated for several years by Mr. and Mrs. R.E. McKay. The restaurant equipment in the bakery building is being moved this week to the Barker building north of the red and white store. R.C. McConnell will open a restaurant at that location soon. 70 Years Ago Aug. 18, 1954 The general contract for the building of the gymnasium and...
13 Years Ago Aug. 9, 1939 One of the loveliest showers of the season was given Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Wilbur Hohn, by Miss Fern Schachterle and Mesdames Orville Eckman and Emily Bentson. Mrs. Hohn was attired in her wedding gown, which was of white lace and net and full-floor length. Sixty-five guests were invited. Miss Mildred Elizabeth Schachterle, Haxtun, and a graduate of Haxtun High School, will receive the Bachelor of Arts degree at Colorado State College of Education in...
13 Years Ago Aug. 2, 1939 New books for library patrons: "Wuthering Heights," Emily Bronte; "The Grapes of Wrath," John Steinbeck; "The Patriot," Pearl S. Buck; "Listen! The Wind," Anne Morrow Lindbergh; "I'm a Stranger Here Myself," Ogden Nash. Funeral services were held Friday morning, July 28, at the Radford Funeral Home for little Barry Allan Yorke, the four-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Yorke of Haxtun. The baby became seriously ill early Thursday morning and passed away at 11:30...
13 years ago July 26, 1939 A message was received here this week that little Beverly Brayman, six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Brayman, was fatally crushed beneath the wheel of a tractor that her father was driving. The tragedy occurred on the farm of her grandfather, near Shenandoah, Iowa, where the little girl's father is employed. Mr. Brayman was employed for two years on the George Gueck farm north of Haxtun. A very pretty wedding took place at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon last...
13 Years Ago July 19, 1939 Volume of traffic handled by the Burlington Trailways bus lines in June this year exceeded the same month of 1938 by over 50 percent. The great increase in highway travel was attributed to attractions of the world fares in San Francisco and New York and to inauguration of a fleet of air conditioned buses. Fairfield News - The farmers of this community have about completed their wheat harvest. The yield was not as good as they hoped, but everyone was glad that they had...
13 Years Ago July 12, 1939 At a beautiful ring ceremony performed Tuesday morning, July 4, at the Cowiche-Tieton Church in Washington, Miss Elvera Peterson became the bride of Roy Gawith of Freewater, Ore. The bride was graduated from the high school here. At a special meeting of the town council last Wednesday, R.K. Huffman was elected to the position of night marshal in Haxtun. He succeeds A.R. Gray, who held the position for three years. Junior Swisher, 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene...
13 years ago July 5, 1939 Miss Doris August Johnson became the bride of Winston L. Cedarburg of Axtell, Neb., last Sunday in Axtell. The Rev G.A. Peterson officiated at the double-ring ceremony. After keeping the secret for six months, Miss Ellen Finnigsmier and William H. McKellar, former Haxtun young people, announced to relatives and friends this week that they were married Saturday, Dec. 31, of last year in Greeley. Management of the Shirley Hotel at Haxtun changed hands this week when Mrs....