What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

times past

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  • 85 years ago - July 10, 1935

    Jul 8, 2020

    13 years ago July 10, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest H. P. Groves, a resident of this community for more than 30 years, passed away at his home in Haxtun on Wednesday evening, July 3. Mr. Groves came to Colorado in 1902 and homesteaded 10 miles north of Haxtun. He was 59. Curtis Arnold, son of Mrs. Roy Welch of this city, passed away at the family home last Friday at the age of 12 years. The little boy had seen failing health for some time and was stricken about eight months ago with a serious heart...

  • 85 years ago - July 3, 1935

    Jul 1, 2020

    13 years ago July 3, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest New Haven - Yards and pastures are beautiful with patches here and there of the wild red geranium. The flower has never been seen before in such abundance. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brooks and children, Mildred Brooks and Grace Bevard, drove to Byers last Thursday for a short visit. Mrs. Brooks and children will remain in that city for a few days. Miss Nadine Bevard accompanied the party to Haxtun for a visit. Bryant - The funeral services for the infant...

  • 85 years ago - June 19, 1935

    Jun 24, 2020

    13 years ago June 19, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest Contracts of construction of Phillips County's new courthouse building were awarded by the board of county commissioners last Friday afternoon. The general contract was awarded to Knutzen and Son of Kearney, Nebraska at $61,300. A contract for heating, plumbing, electrical, and lighting equipment went to George Zeiler of Holyoke for approximately $11,500. This figure does not include architect's plans and equipment for the new building will be...

  • Times Past 85 years ago - June 12, 1935

    Jun 17, 2020

    13 years ago June 12, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest The Wedding of Miss Maxine Meile and Jerome Lanckriet was solemnized last Wednesday, June 5, at St. Anthony's Church in Julesburg. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Meile of Haxtun and a graduate of the St. Gertrude's Academy of Boulder. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Homnore Lanckreit of Julesburg. Mrs. Claus F. (Alma Alfreda) Johnson, 66, died Thursday, June 6, 1935. She was born at Boras, Sweden on April 15, 1869 and came to America at the...

  • 85 years ago - June 7, 1935

    Jun 10, 2020

    13 years ago June 7, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest A number of farewell parties and social gatherings have been held in Haxtun during the past week honoring the Rev. I. C. Snavely, pastor of the Church of the Brethren, and his family, who are leaving for the east. They body of Lewein, 6, who lost his life Sunday evening, May 26, in the flood waters south of Haxtun, was recovering last Sunday morning, a week later, six miles west of the highway crossing. Mr. Lewein narrowly escaped the tragedy that...

  • 85 years ago - May 29, 1935

    Jun 3, 2020

    13 years ago - May 29, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest The Lutheran Church at Haxtun, which has been closed during the past three years except for occasional services, will be opened the early part of June for regular church services. A minister has been engaged. Flood water takes three lives Sunday night: Grim tragedy struck the Haxtun community late Sunday evening when Mrs. Elsa Lewein and her two children, Donald, 6, and Irene, 4, lost their lives in the flood waters at seven and a half mile creek...

  • 85 years ago - May 22, 1935

    May 27, 2020

    13 years ago May 22, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest Rainfall measures four inches over period of ten days in Haxtun area: Farmers on the hard land south of Haxtun are jubilant over the prospects for a corn crop and the sandy farm land is believed to be in ideal shape. Award diplomas to Senior Class of '35; Veylerd Baker, Daniel Barkley, Homer Bartling, Wayne Chryst, James Coulter, Earl Dean Donaldson, Lloyd Dunbar, Boyd Dunbar, Keith Hart, Donald Hill, Lorin Hovel, Ted Johnson, William Krueger, Ralph...

  • 85 years ago - May 15, 1935

    May 20, 2020

    13 years ago May 15, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest Members of the Haxtun Senior Class enjoyed their annual "Sneak" Day last Thursday by visiting Sterling. Various places of interest were visited during the day and the holiday was reported to have been greatly enjoyed. The Haxtun café changed hands last Saturday when the business was purchased from C. E. Windell by Wm. And Roy Albertshardt. The café had been operated by Mr. and Mrs. Windell since October when they purchased it from Kenneth Burt. A...

  • 85 years ago - May 8, 1935

    May 13, 2020

    13 years ago May 8, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest It is the Silver Jubilee of the accession to the throngs of King George V and Queen Mary of the British Empire. Fairfield News - Mrs. Severin of Greeley is here visiting with her daughters, Mrs. Rickard Roos and family. Bryant News - Frank Freemyer had the misfortune to lose one of his good milk cows last week. Mrs. Frank Freemyer was fortunate enough to find a $20 bill in Haxtun Friday, but she also found the owner, which was fortunate for the owner....

  • 85 years ago - May 1, 1935

    May 6, 2020

    13 years ago May 1, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest Wesley McCune of Haxtun was one of six students chosen recently for membership in Adelphi, honorary debating society at the University of Colorado. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McCune and is a sophomore. The Rev. Luther Stromquist, who was pastor of the Elim Lutheran Church at Haxtun for a number of years, died Friday, April 26, 1935, at Lindsborg, Kan. He is survived by his wife Ida, daughters Gwendolyn and Lorraine, and son Arthur. John A....

  • 85 years ago - April 24, 1938

    Apr 29, 2020

    13 years ago April 24, 1938 The Haxtun Harvest Miss Foy Kepler of Holyoke and Mr. Kenneth Hammond of Haxtun were married in Julesburg last Sunday afternoon by the Reverend Ira J. Bailes, pastor of the Christian Church of that city. Miss Burdene Orel Anderson and William Olson, both of Haxtun, were quietly married at the Methodist parsonage in Julesburg Easter Sunday. The wedding was solemnized by the Reverend Mr. Dawson at 9:30 o'clock. Word from Mrs. Gladys Snavely-Welch of Clifton, N. C.,...

  • 85 years ago - April 19, 1935

    Apr 22, 2020

    13 years ago April 19, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest Three thousand eggs were exchanged for ice cream cones at the Corner Drug Store last Saturday when that firm celebrated its birthday anniversary in Haxtun. The Haxtun Cooperative Oil Company has reopened its service station and offices in the building west of the Shirley Hotel and is now equipped to accommodate its patrons as in the past. The former location of the oil company was destroyed by fire last week. O. E. Johnson, manager of the firm, has...

  • 85 years ago - April 10, 1935

    Apr 15, 2020

    13 years ago - April 10, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest The most destructive fire in several years occurred at Haxtun early Tuesday morning, completely destroying the Motor Haven Garage and Farmers' Cooperative Oil Company station and threatening the entire north section of town. The total loss was estimated at $35,000. News was received this week of the marriage of Miss Virginia Ghent to Frank Montgomery Jr. The wedding took place Tuesday morning, April 2, at the Methodist parsonage at Golden....

  • 85 years ago - April 3, 1935

    Apr 8, 2020

    13 years ago - April 3, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest Further assurances that Phillips County will have a new courthouse was given this week when the application for a $23,000 PWA grant was approved in Washington. The federal grant will be used in connection with the $27,000 which now lies in the courthouse building fund. The building will cost approximately $76,000. Virginia the five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Kinzie, submitted to an operation for a ruptured appendix at a hospital in St...

  • 85 years ago March 27, 1935

    Apr 1, 2020

    13 years ago - March 27, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest Three groups of charivari parties visited Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Miller last Wednesday evening and gave the newlywed a rousing homecoming to the community. The first to entertain the couple was an older group of friends who stayed but short time. The second party included a number of Highland Center friends. Later in the evening, the Haxtun young people brought Mr. and Mrs. Miller to town for the inescapable wheelbarrow ride. After a visiting an...

  • 85 years ago March 20, 1935

    Mar 25, 2020

    13 years ago March 20, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest Fire destroys farm residence south of town: Heightened by a brisk wind, a blaze that began on the house roof brought complete destruction to the farm dwelling of Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Taylor, 11 miles south and three miles east of Haxtun Sunday afternoon. Owing to the dust, many people living within a short distance did not learn of the fire until after it was over. Friends of LeRoy Miller will be glad to learn of his marriage to Miss Minnie Wells of...

  • 85 years ago March 13, 1935

    Mar 18, 2020

    13 years ago March 13, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest Miss Eleanor L. Sand, senior at the state teachers' college at Greeley was recently initiated in the Phil Alpha theta honorary history fraternity. Miss Sand was one of three new members to be initiated. Miss Effie McIntyre, daughter of Mrs. Pearl McIntyre of Dailey, and Dale Kennedy of Fleming, were married on Sunday, March 3, in the parsonage of the Grace Methodist Church in that city. Following a short honeymoon in Denver, the young couple will...

  • 85 years ago, March 6, 1935

    Mar 11, 2020

    The Haxtun Harvest The Fremont Cream Station at Haxtun, which had been closed for several months, was reopened Wednesday of this week. Roscoe Critchlow will be in charge of the station and he solicits cream, poultry, and eggs in an announcement elsewhere in the issue of the Harvest. A new ordinance regulating traffic in Haxtun is called to the attention of local people this week. Various old ordinances covering traffic of motor and horse-drawn vehicles were found o be out of dae because of the...

  • 85 years ago Feb. 27, 1935

    Mar 4, 2020

    13 years ago Feb. 27, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest Haxtun's town basketball team hope's to maintain its long string of victories again next week when it will meet the Holyoke team on the Haxtun floor. The locals defeated the Fairfield All-Stars last Friday, 40-21. Williams and Scarborough tied for soring honors. Other Haxtun players were Birrell, Davis and Baker. The line-up for Fairfield included M. Lydin, B. Ruch, Anderson, I. Knode, K. Knode, C. Ruch, Gordon and Garretson. James K. Hackett, farmer...

  • 85 years ago Feb. 20, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest

    Feb 26, 2020

    13 years ago Feb. 20, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest Goldie Blake, Haxtun, was one of 15 students who presented a music recital at the University of Colorado last Thursday night. A typical spring blizzard visited the Haxtun section Thursday, moving tons of soil and bringing a veritable fog of dust throughout the day. Funeral services are Friday afternoon for Henry Frye, 19 son of Mrs. Celia Frye, Dailey. Septic sore throat and complications of quinsy were understood to be the cause of death. He was emp...

  • Times Past - Week of February 19, 2020

    Feb 19, 2020

    13 years ago Feb. 13, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest The lowly soybean imported from China has been found to restore soil at the same time the crop is produced. It is a standard source of automobile parts. The pulp is pressed after treatment into an imitation steel which is as tough as the best steel. Funeral service for Merlin Baker, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Baker, were Tuesday. He died Feb. 10, 1935. Fairfield News - Oscar and Albin Peterson, who have spent the past six weeks in California,...