What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope
Sorted by date Results 201 - 225 of 246
13 Years Ago Jan. 8, 1936 Harvest subscription campaign brought to a sensational close Saturday night: Mrs. A. R. Haskins and Mrs. Ella Sharpe win new Chevrolet cars. Checks amounting to 10 percent of money collected on subscriptions have been made out to other contestants. A large crowd visited The Harvest office Saturday night to witness the closing of the contest. Murl Jones of Omaha is the victim of gas Tuesday: Mr. and Mrs. George Jones Sr. received the shocking news Tuesday of the...
13 Years Ago Dec. 18, 1935 A.B. Brelsford, 64, resident of the south community for a number of years, passed away at the hospital in Haxtun last Saturday, Dec. 14, 1935. With only 14 days left in The Haxtun Harvest prize subscription campaign, Mr. Ella W. Sharpe of Haxtun is in first place followed by Lillian Cronquist of Fairfield. Although the schools at Haxtun were closed Tuesday to prevent a possible epidemic of scarlet fever, it is likely that the ban on public gatherings will be lifted...
13 Years Ago Dec. 11, 1935 A branch store of the Boyd Hardware Co. was opening in Fleming this week, with Homer Collins of Haxtun in charge. Fleming has been without a general hardware store for several years. Going into the home stretch in The Haxtun Harvest $2,000-prize subscription campaign, Mrs. A.R. Haskins, one of the live-wire contestants competing for first grand prize and high honors, takes the lead. Following closely on the heels of Mrs. Haskins is Mrs. Carl Lundgren. A business deal...
13 Years Ago Dec. 4, 1935 Miss Grace Davis, who is a senior in the Greeley State College of Education, is substituting in the college of music for an instructor, Miss Blanche Collins, during the latter's illness. Mrs. Sherman E. Walrod and daughter Jean of Holyoke were guests of Mrs. L.E. Taylor Wednesday. Homer Wieser drove to Grant, Neb., Wednesday evening to visit with friends for a few days. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stoops of Fleming last Friday at the McKnight hospital....
13 Years Ago Nov. 27, 1935 Plans for a proposed new high school gymnasium in Haxtun were sent to Washington this week by the Phillips County High School committee. Application will be made to the Public Works Administration for aid in the project. Tentative plans are for a building 76 by 100 feet to be built north of the present high school building. The original plans and blueprints were drawn by James R. Birrell of Haxtun, a student in architecture. Work was started Monday morning on Haxtun's...
13 Years Ago Nov. 20, 1935 List of contestants who have signified a willingness to share in the handsome prize awards that The Haxtun Harvest is offering free in its subscription drive contest: Lillian Cronquist, Fairfield; Mrs. Leslie E. Gabel, Dailey; Sarah Hafeman, Fleming; Mrs. A.R. Haskins, Haxtun; Mrs. Howard Lindgren, R.F.D. No. 1; Mrs. J.L. Lingle, Haxtun; Mrs. Carl Lundgren, R.F.D. No. 1; Mrs. Velma Plank, Fleming; Mary Fern Salvador, Wages; and Mrs. Ella W. Sharpe, Haxtun. Good Hope P....
13 Years Ago Nov. 13, 1935 Enthusiasm rampant in Haxtun Harvest subscription drive: when the announcement was read in last week's issue of The Haxtun Harvest that this publication would award free to the ladies, married or single and living in Phillips or adjacent communities, over $2,000 in handsome prizes, the entire country side received the good news in worthy fashion. Featuring two 1936 Chevrolet automobiles as grand capital prizes, The Harvest has been extremely elaborate in its gift...
13 Years Ago Nov. 6, 1935 Miss Vlema Luelf and Mr. Roy Schachterle, well-known Haxtun young people, were married on Monday of this week at Loveland. The wedding was performed by the Rev. G.B. Cunningham, former pastor of the Assembly of God Church at Fleming. The contracting parties were accompanied by Mrs. W.A. Luelf, Mrs. J.B. Schachterle, Frances Bundy, Donald Luelf and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schachterle of Denver. After a honeymoon trip to Denver and the mountains, Mr. and Mrs. Schachterle wil...
13 years ago Oct. 30, 1935 At the monthly meeting of the Fairfield Ladies Aid held last Thursday, the history of the organization was given. Although the church was organized in 1888, the Ladies Aid did not come into existence until 1903. Charter members were Mrs. Ida Berg, Miss Agnes Berg, Mrs. Christine Bentson, Miss Hilma Bentson, Mrs. John Bjorklun, Mrs. August Bjorklun, Mrs. Chas. Bjorklun, Miss Esther Bjorklun, Mrs. Ellen Holmquist, Mrs. Jennie Holmquist, Mrs. Chas. Johnson, Miss Sophie...
13 Years Ago Oct. 23, 1935 The Rev. David J. Morning, Haxtun and Holyoke priest, was instantly killed last Thursday night when his automobile collided with a truck on the Goodman hill, five and a half miles west of Fleming. Those who saw the car, a V-8 coach, said that it was the worst wreck they had ever witnessed. The priest had been in charge of the Catholic churches at Holyoke and Haxtun since April of this year, replacing the Rev. Father Kerr. Haxtun's 10th Corn Festival and Crop Show was...
13 Years Ago Oct. 16, 1935 Welcome as it is after the feed shortage of the drought, cheap corn in plentiful supplies already is looming as a major threat to the stability of the hog industry, according to reports which the Colorado State College Extension Service have received from the Agricultural Adjustment Administration. This would set the stage for one of the greatest increases in pork production that the country has ever seen. This year's harvest will be about 2,194,000,000 bushels of...
13 Years Ago Oct. 9, 1935 Recent action on the part of state highway officials is considered a favorable move toward the completion of the No. 6 highway project from Paoli to Holyoke. Although $104,000 was appropriated from the highway budget for the purpose of finishing the construction, the funds have not as yet been made available. The Phillips County highway project, to be carried out through the work-relief program, calls for the employment of 150 men. Deciding to quit farming in this...
7 years ago Oct. 4, 1950 Those who have contributed wheat during the past 10 days for the Haxtun Memorial Hospital fund are H.L. Hofmeister, Harold Gall, Carl Eckman, L.C. Corning, Ray Phillips, South Side Grocery, and Glenn Jones of the Texaco Company. The choral robe fund of the Haxtun High School chorus continues to grow with recent donations from Rickard Roos, Mrs. George Jones Jr. and Merle Switzer. Mr. Funke, band leader and chorus director state that the order was sent in Wednesday and...
13 years ago Oct. 2, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest Miss Luella Pope and Bernhard Burmester, both of this city, were married Sunday afternoon at two thirty o'clock. The Rev. Jos Hannewald officiated at the exchange of nuptial vows. Sunrise News - Miss Nelson of the Sunrise school took the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades to a lecture on Ireland Friday evening of last week at the Methodist Church in Haxtun. The new bus line, operated by the Burlington Railroad, began its schedule through Haxtun...
14 years ago Oct. 2, 1925 The Haxtun Harvest Fairfield News - Mrs. Gene Peterson entertained a number of her friends at dinner Sunday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ahnstedt, Howard James, Wil Smith and Francis Ahnstedt. Daily News - Dr. Kinzie and Ira Kyger are in Wyoming at present enjoying a hunting trip. Ford Community News - Mr. and Mrs. Hackett enjoyed a pleasant visit from Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Fisher of Fleming Sunday. Mrs. Fisher is an old friend of the family. The showing of the...
14 years ago Sept. 24, 1925 The Haxtun Harvest South Rockland News - John Schachterle and family and Roy Schachterle were dinner guests at the Jacob Fetzer home Sunday. Pumpkin Vine News - Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Yost were callers at the W. A. Groves home Friday. Rockland News - A number of young folks visited at the Jake Fetzer home Sunday afternoon. Those present were Cecil Pohlman, Roy and Raymond Schachterle, Reon and Dale Rauscher, Harold and Doris Becker, Clara Martha, Dorothy and Edwin...
13 years ago Sept. 11, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest Lon Jewell, retired farmer and residents of the Haxtun and Fairfield communities for a number of years, passed away at a hospital here Monday, morning, Sept. 9, 1935. He was 72 years of age. He was unmarried. Donald Ramsay, Willis Marlatt and Bill McKellar left last Friday for Fort Collins where they will attend college during the coming term. Impressive ceremonies to mark dedication of new courthouse: Construction of the new court house was begun...
14 years ago Sept. 10, 1925 The Haxtun Harvest Rodney, Irene and Naomi, son and daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Kennedy, were operated on for the removal of tonsils at the Haxtun Hospital Sunday. It is about five days yet until the prairie chicken season opens, but reports that some of the more impatient hunters were killing a number of birds this season and have caused considerable activity on the part of the game wards with the result that some 14 or more offenders have been arrested and...
14 years ago Sept. 3, 1925 The Haxtun Harvest Daily News - W. G. McIntyre and wife of Englewood, Colorado are ere visiting their son H. B. McIntyre and family. Good Hope News - Mr. and Mrs. John Hurst and family left Sunday to spend a week in the mountains. They are making the trip in a new Chevrolet car. Mr. and Mrs. George Mutchie are enjoying a vacation visiting at Denver and fishing along the trout streams in the mountains. The most talked of American Legion hall and club room at Haxtun now...
13 years ago Aug. 21, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest One of the prettiest weddings of the season was solemnized Thursday afternoon at three o'clock in the Methodist Church at Haxtun when Miss Hazel Miller became the bride of Mr. Harold Gall of Eustis, Nebr. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Alexander Bryans. Little Betty Lou Gipple, as ring bearer, was dressed in a pink taffeta dress and carried the ring on a white satin pillow. A bottle of deadly acid, drunk with the innocence and curiosity that...
14 years ago Aug. 20, 1925 The Haxtun Harvest Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Moore and R. C. Jordan were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie E. Taylor Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. N. Bentson entertained at dinner Sunday M. and Mrs. F. A. Alcorn and daughter, Edith Marie, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie E. Taylor. 85 years ago Aug. 14, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest A few silk dresses left at true bargain prices at Mrs. Hartwell's Shop. Choice of hats at 43 cents, Friday and Saturday. Corbett Ice Cream, 12...
13 years ago Aug. 7, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest The following young people enjoyed a swimming party at the Jumbo Reservoir Sunday evening: Goldye Blake, Portia Lubchenco, Helen Clark, Evangeline Mooney, Maxine Gale, Charlotte Bellamy, Wesley McCune, Joe Intermill, Bill Krueger, Ben Birrell, Bud Donaldson, and Junior Radford. A baby son was born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Marlatt. Mother and baby are at the Mooney Hospital. The fire department was called to the W. E. Meakins' home in north...
13 years ago July 31, 1935 The Haxtun Harvest Denver dailies received in Haxtun Monday carried the announcement of the decision of Western Sugar Company officials that construction of a new beet sugar factory to cost most more then $1,000,000 at Ovid-Sedgwick County, the official statement coming as the most significant step that has been made in Colorado agricultural and industrial activity within recent months. Local News: Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Krueger entertained at a dinner bridge party on...
13 years ago July 24, 1935 Haxtun Harvest Fairfield News - Mr. and Mrs. Becker of Wisconsin arrived here Wednesday for a visit with their daughter, Mrs. Fondell, and family. Pastor and Mrs. E. E. Fondell, Mr. and Mrs. Becker, Mrs. Plumley of New York, and Bill Becker left Monday for a two-week vacation in the mountains. Turning out of the road to avoid hitting a horse, the Rev. and Mrs. Harold Lorimer suffered minor injuries early last Friday morning when their car plunged into a ditch on the...
14 years ago July 1925 The Haxtun Herald Pumpkin Vine News - W. A. Groves and Howard Groves were Haxtun callers Saturday, getting some repairs to over haul two Fords. Fairfield News - Mrs. A. J. Anderson, Mrs. Bent Sorenson, Mrs. Noreen and Ruth Rodgers were dinner guests at the G. B. Anderson home on Sunday. South Rockland News - Miss Minnie Fetzer had been helping Mrs. Fred Fulenberg cook for harvest hands the past two weeks. She returned home Monday. 85 years ago July 19, 1935 The Haxtun Harv...