What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope
Sorted by date Results 176 - 200 of 246
13 Years Ago July 8, 1936 Opening of a modem meat department at the Birrell Food store has been announced for Friday of this week by J.D. Birrell, proprietor of the firm. The meat department has been equipped with a new refrigeration system in connection with a modern display counter. Several hundred pounds of fresh meat may be stored in the refrigerator and the store will be able to keep an adequate stock on hand at all times. Five new stars at one swoop were added to the Hollywood f...
8 Years Ago June 27, 1941 Mr. and MRs. Ernest Starkebaum entertained in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Friehaufs wedding anniversary. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hohn, Mr. and Mrs. Veylerd Baker and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hohn. Ben Gueck, lay delegate, Mrs. John Blake of WSCS and William Schacterle of Highland Center attended the annual Methodist Conference held in Denver. 70 Years Ago June 27, 1951 Rose Leuth and Walter McClain were quietly married at the Church of the...
13 Years Ago July 1 , 1936 Death: G.R. Mock, 76, a resident of this community for over 30 years, passed away Monday, June 29, 1936. The herd of Guernseys owned by A.D. Bahler of Holyoke was high in the Northeastern Colorado Cow Testing Association last month with 741 pounds of milk and 36.5 pounds of butterfat per cow. The high cow is owned by E.L. Ramsay of Haxtun, a Holstein which produced 1,057 pounds of milk containing 53.9 pounds of butterfat for the month. A shipment of fat hogs marketed...
13 Years Ago June 17, 1936 Frank Montgomery, prominent druggist, one of Haxtun's leading business men for over 20 years, passed away at his home here Sunday morning, June 13, 1936. Forty-eight veterans at Haxtun received government baby bonds this week in payment of the World War bonus provided during the present session of Congress. According to officers of the American Legion, the total bonus payment to veterans here will amount to $26,000, or an average of slightly over $500 for each man....
13 Years Ago June 10, 1936 A course in vocational agriculture will be available to students in the Haxtun High School this coming year, according to J.A. Grant, principal. C.W. Scofield, who has been engaged in the high school at Joes during the last two years, will be the new instructor at Haxtun. Deaths: Mrs. H.L. Friend, 74, a resident in the south country for the last 18 years, passed away at her home Saturday morning, June 6, 1936. Mrs. Elmer Felderman is a daughter of the deceased. Funeral...
13 Years Ago June 3, 1936 North Rockland News - Quite a few from this community attended the circus in Sterling Saturday. Dailey News - Mrs. Pearl McIntyre, Arline, and June Aleda and Elmer Schroeder were Sterling shoppers on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Prouty and son Floyd vistited with friends in Sterling Memorial Day. Haxtun markets: wheat, 70 cents; corn, 57 cents; hens, heavy, 14 cents; springs, colored, 15 cents; springs, Leghorn, 12 cents; eggs, 15 cents; cream, 24 cents; butterfat, in...
13 Years Ago May 27, 1936 The Gamble store agency at Haxtun changed ownership this week and in the future the business will be operated by Donald Amack. The deal was completed several days ago, whereby C.H. Barker purchased the local store from L.H. Scott of Yuma. Mr. Amack is a son-in-law of Mr. Barker. Miss Jessie L. Parker, a high school instructor at Haxtun for the last three years, was married last Sunday at Fort Collins, to Mr. F.R. Stansbury. For sale: A-1 grain box for 1927 Chevrolet,...
13 Years Ago May 20, 1936 Sadness was brought to the relatives and many friends of Miss Doris Sand Tuesday evening when she passed away at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Sterling. She was 17 years of age and had graduated from the Haxtun High School this spring. She suffered complications of influenza, the effects of which physicians were unable to combat successfully. If present plans do not go astray, Haxtun youngster will be having the time of their lives late this summer in a new, modern...
13 Years Ago May 13, 1936 Eighth grade commencement exercises for elementary schools in the west end of Phillips County will be held Thursday evening at the Church of the Brethren in Haxtun with 50 students. Students from Haxtun include Stuart Exstrom, Fred Meyers, Delbert Anderson, Pete Lubchenco, Leslie Chryst, Margie Nell, Maxine Collins, Robert Reynolds, DeVerne Brooks, Eileen Gipple, Helen Hunt, Betty Groover, Alice Davis, Marjorie Elliot, Earl Critchlow, Catherine Pond, Katherine Wisdom,...
13 Years Ago May 6, 1936 Friends of George A. Voges and Miss Anna M. Higdon learned this week of their marriage, which occurred Wednesday afternoon, April 15, at Brighton. The couple had kept the wedding a secret until a few days ago. Mrs. L.B. Work celebrated her 75th birthday anniversary last Friday, May 1. A surprise party in her honor was given at her home in north Haxtun. The affair was arranged by Mrs. George C. Powell, Mrs. J.A. Work and Miss Hazel Hunt. Guests included Mesdames Tillie...
13 Years Ago April 29, 1936 A gasoline stove explosion caused a fire which completely destroyed the house at the Ray Stauffer farm eight miles northeast of Haxtun Thursday evening. The two-story frame and its contents were consumed by the driving flames before an attempt could be made to bring the blaze under control. Mr. Stauffer, who lives alone, succeeded in putting out the flames on his clothes by jumping into and rolling in a pile of shelled seed corn in an extra room off the kitchen. He...
13 Years Ago April 22, 1936 Miss Evangeline Mooney of Haxtun was one of 18 girls who were recently pledged to sororities at the Colorado State College of Education at Greeley. She became affiliated with the Sigma Upsilon Sorority during the spring pledge week. She is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W.E. Mooney and graduated from Haxtun High School in 1933. Philorado News - Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Starkebaum and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Edwin Wagner home. Wages News - Funeral services were...
13 Years Ago April 15, 1936 In honor of her 80th birthday anniversary, Mrs. C.J. Eckman was given a pleasant surprise party last Friday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eckman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eckman, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Eckman, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eckman, Mr. and Mrs. A.P. Sandquist, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Franson, Mrs. Allen Tack and Mr. and Mrs. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Sand called in the evening. Death: Griffin Wilkinson Crossland, 24, April 14, 1936. In addition to his...
13 Years Ago April 8, 1936 Ridding the crest of a huge wave of votes, candidates on the Progressive ticket were swept into office by a solid majority at the municipal election at Haxtun Tuesday. Attracted by the wet and dry question and by minor issues of the two parties, citizens of the town recorded what is believed to be the largest vote in history. Mayor J.C. Nauman, who was unopposed for reelection, was given a fine vote of confidence by both parities. The six trustees who will head the...
13 Years Ago April 1, 1936 A popular and unanimous vote was accorded Chief Harry O'Hare at the annual meting of the Haxtun Volunteer Fire Department meeting Wednesday evening. The members re-elected him to head the organization for the third successive term. Other officers: Barton Nauman, assistant chief; George McCulloch, chemical captain; Earl Johnson, hose, hook and ladder captain; and James Fitgerald Jr., secretary/treasurer. Charles Ruff was elected to the finance committee. J.A. Work,...
13 Years Ago March 25, 1936 Farmer jubilant as big snow settles over entire region. Blizzard Monday brings nearly an inch of moisture; soil is in good condition after long drought ends; more snow coming: The store brought close to eight inches of snow in this region. Ross Frank, eighth grade student in the Daley school won first place in the Logan County public speaking contest held in Sterling gSaturday. He will accompany Miss Lester, the county superintendent, to Denver the first week in...
13 Years Ago March 18, 1936 Wike Harms, who was lodged in the county jail last week charged with the theft of chickens in this territory, was released on probation Wednesday by County Judge Avery T. Searle. He admitted numerous thefts of chickens over period of several months and pleaded guilty when arraigned in court. A number of people signed a petition this week asking for the release of Harms on probation. IN view of his past reputation and consider that this was his first offense, Judge...
13 Years Ago March 11, 1936 The Mooney hospital at Haxtun was threatened by fire Tuesday afternoon when an oil burner in the building overflowed, spreading burning oil over the basement floor. The fire was smothered by R.C. Kautter with the use of a hand extinguisher. Mrs. Mooney was in charge of the hospital at the time. Upon discovering the fire, she telephoned the city hall and requested that someone bring a fire extinguisher to the hospital. Mr. Kautter and T.C. Crist were in the city hall...
13 Years Ago March 4, 1936 Andrew Krueger, age 10, of Amherst, passed away at the McKnight hospital in Haxtun Friday night following an operation for a ruptured appendix. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Krueger. In addition to his parents, Andrew is survived by four brothers and five sisters. The Dailey basketball team annexed a championship last week by emerging victor of the Logan County tournament at Sterling. Two of the Dailey players were named on the all tournament team, bringing...
13 Years Ago Feb. 26, 1936 A blacksmith shop will be opened in Haxtun this coming Saturday in the building nor of the cheese factory. The shop which will be known as Carl's Shop, will be operated by Carl Reker. Mr. Reker and his wife moved to Haxtun a few weeks ago from Sidney, Neb., where he formerly had been engaged in blacksmithing. Nuptials were pronounced at nine o'clock last Sunday for Mrs. Evelyn Hayes and Mr. J.W. Meakins, both of Haxtun, at the Methodist parsonage in Sterling. The...
13 Years Ago Feb. 19, 1936 A proposal for the purchase of the American Legion Hall by the Town of Haxtun will be placed before the voters at the regular town election this coming April. The purchase price of the hall has been set at $4,000. The Town would buy the building by issuing bonds. The Legion Hall was erected in 1926. During the ten years that the building has been in use, it had been rented to various organizations and has served as a public dance hall. Since its erection, the Legion...
13 Years Ago Feb. 12, 1936 Mercury drops to new low as winter rages during week. The temperature in this region dropped to 25 degrees below zero, the coldest weather to be recorded in six years. Except for one or two days of more moderate temperatures, the frigid wave has covered this territory for almost two weeks. Charles Taylor of north of Haxtun purchased a new Plymouth four-door touring sedan Tuesday at the Jankovsky Bros. Agency. Good Hope News - The Willing Workers Club met Tuesday aftern...
13 Years Ago Feb. 5, 1936 Death brought sorrow to the family of Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Hire twice within 12 hours last Saturday. By the strange hand of fate, a sister of Mrs. Hire's passed away in Curtis, Neb., a few hours after Mr. Hire's sister died in Haxtun. Mrs. Hire's sister was Mrs. Catherine Nichoali, 59. Mr. Hire's sister was Mrs. Faye A. Green, 54, who had been visiting with the Hires. Three carloads of pipe for Haxtun's new water mains were unloaded here this week by WPA laborers. One...
13 Years Ago Jan. 29, 1936 O. Christoper, instructor in the Haxtun High School for the past year and a half, resigned his position this week to accept an appointment as supervisor in the community sanitation program, a project which will operate under the Works Progress Administration. R.C. Kautter and Robert Johnson of Haxtun will be the examining officers in the west end of Phillips County for those who apply for auto drivers' licenses. E. Brundige of Paoli and E.T. Searle of Holyoke were...
13 Years Ago Jan. 15, 1936 Increased interest in library activities was reported at the January meeting of Haxtun Public Library board. In spite of the lack of funds, books costing $50 were purchased during December by the board. It is planned to add a new book to the library each week until such time as it is possible to purchase a larger shipment. Miss Sue Todd of Crook will open a beauty shop at the Shirley Hotel building this week, in the room formerly occupied by Becker's Radio shop. She op...