What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

times past

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  • Times Past

    Dec 22, 2021

    13 Years Ago Jan. 6, 1937 Hanson L. Friend, 76, well known farmer of south of Haxtun, passed away at a hospital in Sterling last Saturday morning (Jan. 2, 1937). He is survived by sons Leslie, Alva and Robert, and daughters Mrs. Elmer Felderman and Mrs. Harry Martin. Relatives here received word Sunday of the death of Mrs. Ernest Anderson, 36, formerly June Hadeen of Holdrege, Nebr., the daughter of Gust Hadeen of Haxtun. News has been received here of the death of Harley L. Fore, 78, Portland,...

  • Times Past

    Dec 15, 2021

    13 Years Ago Dec. 30, 1936 The wedding of Miss Ardythe Crowell of Haxtun and Gus Anderson of Holyoke occurred in Sterling Christmas morning at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. Willard Scott. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Victor Schroeder, pastor of the First Evangelical Church. As a result of a systematic program conducted under the guidance of the Nebraska College of Agriculture, there was a marked increase in the number of trench silos built and filled in that state this year....

  • Times Past

    Dec 8, 2021

    13 Years Ago Dec. 23, 1936 With plenty of live targets available, hunters brought to an end one of the largest rabbit hunts ever to be held in this territory last Thursday. It was estimated that from 5,000 to 8,000 rabbits were killed during two organized drives, enough to fill several trucks. S.J. Meakins, John Sandquist, R. Ewegen, and Arthur Falk, Phillips County Commissioners, returned home last Thursday from Peoria, Ill., where they had been guests of Caterpiller Tractor Company on a trip...

  • Times Past

    Dec 1, 2021

    13 Years Ago Dec. 16, 1936 With the aim of providing a community hospital at Haxtun in the near future, a number of interested men and women met at the tabernacle Tuesday evening and formed a permanent organization to promote the project. Members of the committee are Mrs. A. Jankovsky, chairman; Mrs. Arthur Ahnstedt, vice chairman; Mrs. J.W. Meakins, secretary; G.B. Hire, corresponding secretary; and H.B. Radford, treasurer. Local sponsors hope to obtain assistance from the Works Progress...

  • Times Past

    Nov 24, 2021

    13 Years Ago Dec. 9, 1936 The Future Farmers Club of Haxtun received singular honors from the state organization this month by being credited with the best idea of the month, as published in the Colorado Future Farmer publication. An ear-of-corn contest was held and a prize given for the best ear submitted. This specimen will be shellacked and mounted on a board painted in the official colors of the Future Farmers. The special ear will be used in the opening and closing ceremonies of the Haxtun...

  • Times Past

    Nov 17, 2021

    13 Years Ago Dec. 2, 1936 Miss Evelyn Waters of Wray and Joseph Intermill were married on Wednesday evening of last week at Aurora. The young people were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Strickland of Haxtun. They returned to Haxtun Friday. After a short visit here, the newlyweds left for Eckley, where they will make their home. The couple made another brief visit to Haxtun Sunday evening, being brought here by a charivari crowd. The marriage of Miss Bernice Finnigsmier, former Haxtun girl, and...

  • Times Past

    Nov 10, 2021

    13 Years Ago Nov. 25, 1936 Six boys and girls, graduates of Haxtun High School, are now members of the student body at Colorado State College of Education located in Greeley. They are Phyllis Anderson, Ruth Cheramy, Geraldine Gebhard, Evangeline Mooney, Donald Schachterle, and Gardner Wood. Old-age pensions were paid to 92-persons in Phillips County during the month of November. The average pension paid was $27.39 per person, ranging from $12 to $30 each. No action will be taken in the near...

  • Times Past

    Nov 3, 2021

    13 Years Ago Nov. 18, 1936 Through appointment by Governor Johnson, Joe C. Jankovsky of Ovid will become commissioner in Sedgwick County to replace Earl Quinn, who has resigned due to ill health. Mr. Jankovsky is an Ovid merchant and is a brother of A. Jankovsky of Haxtun. Mrs. H.B. Prouty, proprietor of a ladies' shop in Haxtun, opened a new store in Holyoke this week. Mrs. Emil Bentson of Haxtun will have charge of the new store. The first organized rabbit drive of the winter will be held...

  • Times Past

    Oct 27, 2021

    13 Years Ago Nov. 11, 1936 Dr. H.R. Rasor, Haxtun physician, and Miss Juanita Welton of Hot Sulpher Springs, Colo., were married last Thursday evening in Denver. The bride is formerly of Ottawa, Kansas. Mrs. Rasor returned to her school in Hot Sulphur Springs this week, but after resigning her position will come to Haxtun within a short time. Wray-Yuma County farm women have adopted a slogan, "Let the Water Do the Running Instead of Mother," to emphasize their plans to have running water...

  • Times Past

    Oct 20, 2021

    13 Years Ago Nov. 4, 1936 Roosevelt sweeps nation in record-breaking election: Leading the Republican candidate for president, Al M. Landon, by probably 85,000 votes, President Roosevelt was assured of Colorado's six electoral votes. Two inches of snow fell throughout this territory Sunday night and Monday, accompanied by a severe cold wave. The storm brought the second snow of the winter in this section and extended over the greater part of Colorado. Corn husking was interrupted temporarily...

  • Times Past

    Oct 13, 2021

    11 Years Ago Oct. 28, 1936 Friends and relatives were shocked to learn the news last week of the death of Roy Burnett, 47, which occured last Wednesday night at his home near Chicago, Ill. Injuries that he received in an automobile accident on Sept. 3 proved fatal to Mr. Burnett. With his wife and sons, Roy visited his mother, his brother Paul, and other relatives at Haxtun for several weeks this fall. In the interest of public health and sanitation, and for the prevention of contagious diseases...

  • Times Past

    Oct 6, 2021

    13 Years Ago Oct. 21, 1936 First snow of winter birngs moisture to entire farm region: Snow was reported at Cheyenne, Wyo., and as far east as Grant, Nebr. The storm will be of great benefit to the winter wheat, which is reported to be in good shape throughout this territory. John Henginbotham, a Phillips County pioneer and business man, passed away in Holyoke on Thursday, Oct. 8, at the age of 84 years. He was one of the founders of the First National Bank at Holyoke. Born in England, Mr....

  • Times Past

    Sep 29, 2021

    13 Years Ago Oct. 14, 1936 David Templeton, prominent citizen of Haxtun and pioneer rancher in this territory, passed away early Sunday morning (Oct. 11, 1936) at the age of 90 years. A granary containing more than 200 bushels of wheat was destroyed at the farm operated by Hubert Brown two and one-half miles northeast of Haxtun Wednesday afternoon. A new lean-to shed, which served as a barn, escaped damage when neighbors and several men from Haxtun cut the shed loose from the burning building...

  • Times Past

    Sep 22, 2021

    13 Years Ago Oct. 7, 1936 According to W.J. Henderson, Extension plant pathologist, Phillips County farmers are losing a great deal more in producing smutted wheat than the cost of seed treatment. During the first 30 days of the 1936 shipping period, three carloads of smutted wheat were shipped from Phillips County. Henderson, in cooperation with A.F. Hoffman, county extension agent, will plant a test plot this month showing control of smut by seed treatment methods. Treatments included will be...

  • Times Past

    Sep 15, 2021

    13 Years Ago Sept. 16, 1936 Miss Ardis and Ellen and Willis Marlatt left last Friday morning to enroll at the Colorado State Agriculture college for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Larson of Nebraska have purchased the Wages store from Mrs. S.E. Williams. The Larsons will take possession the first of September. Lloyd Adamson left Haxtun Tuesday morning for Denver to attend the national encampment of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Paoli News - Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Seeman, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur...

  • Times Past

    Sep 8, 2021

    13 Years Ago Sept. 9, 1936 George Decker, 67, passed away at a hospital in Haxtun Thursday morning. Mrs. Clifford Gum of the Wages community passed away last Friday at a Denver hospital at the age of 19 years. Main street in Haxtun is to be oiled surfaced, it was announced this week by town officials. The work will begin next Monday, using state highway equipment. The Tin Can Tourists of the World, folks who have put wheels under parlor, bedroom and bath, assembled 2,000-strong for their summer...

  • Times Past

    Sep 1, 2021

    13 Years Ago Sept. 2, 1936 Northeastern Colorado was honored Wednesday afternoon when President Franklin D. Roosevelt stopped Julesburg for a short inspection tour of farm lands and spoke briefly to a crowed estimated at 6,000 persons. In a very formal manner, he named three problems that are of concern at present. "First, we have the immediate problem of taking care of the needy in summer. The second problem is to care for them through the winter. The third is one of long-range planning - a...

  • Times Past

    Aug 25, 2021

    13 Years Ago Aug. 26, 1936 A vacancy appeared Monday for the coming school term when Mrs. Brouhard, who had been engaged to teach the seventh grade, returned her contract. At a special meeting of the school board, John Nauman of Haxtun was hired to fill this position. Mr. Nauman is a graduate of the Haxtun High School and received his life certificate from the Greeley State College of Education. School instructors hired in the west part of Phillips County: Highland Center, John Bainton and...

  • Times Past

    Aug 18, 2021

    13 Years Ago Aug. 19, 1936 Frank Sullivan, well-known farmer living south of Haxtun, was drowned at Scottsbluff, Nebr., Wednesday evening. It was understood that he was swimming the Platte River there. He was 28 years of age. Dan Edmund Hofmeister of Haxtun received the master of arts degree at Colorado State College of Education in Greeley last Saturday, Aug. 15. The class of 306 was the largest on record in the nearly 50 years of history of Colorado's professional teacher-training...

  • Times Past

    Aug 11, 2021

    13 Years Ago Aug. 12, 1936 Whether or not old-age pensioners in Colorado will receive an increase in payments depends upon the action of the state welfare board, which meets in Denver the latter part of this week. Although Governor Johnson has instructed the 63 counties to pay the maximum of $30 per month to every person on the pension rolls, the county welfare directors are without authority to increase the payments without approval from the state headquarters. Walter L. Huey, county welfare...

  • Times Past

    Aug 4, 2021

    13 Years Ago Aug. 5, 1936 Paoli News - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brahmstadt were Holyoke visitors Saturday evening. Lee Schneider, Leo Butte, and Milton Hill left last week for the mountains, where they expect to have work. A full staff of teachers has been engaged in the Haxtun grade school for the coming year: First grade, Mrs. Julia Allen; second grade, Miss Ruby Bellamy; third grade, Miss Celeste Donnelly; fourth grade, Mrs. Lida Berkey; fifth grade, Miss Ruby Sand; sixth grade, Mrs. Dola...

  • Times Past

    Jul 28, 2021

    13 Years Ago July 29, 1936 Stricken by an acute attack of illness, Mrs. Oliver (Leona Plog) Lambert passed away suddenly Monday morning at her home near Dailey. She was 37 years of age and the mother of two small children. Special services are being arranged for next Sunday, Aug. 2, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Community Evangelical Church at Dailey. The Rev. L.E. Gabel is pastor of the church. Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Scofield and son Jerry Dale arrived in Haxtun Tuesday from Joes and...

  • 85 Years Ago July 22, 1936

    Jul 21, 2021

    13 Years Ago July 22, 1936 Mrs. Regina Sophia Lydin, 61, a highly respected resident of the Fairfield community for many years, passed away Sunday evening at her home. She was the stepmother of five Lydin children: Mrs. Wesley Garretson, Carol Lydin, Melvin Lydin, Mrs. William Ruch and Helen Lydin. As the result of poisoning which they apparently consumed while pasturing in a field of sudan grass, six head of cattle owned by Will Smith died last Thursday. They became violently sick within ten...

  • 85 Years Ago July 15, 1936

    Jul 14, 2021

    13 Years Ago July 15, 1936 County treasurer Ray E. Crosby announced to the voters this week that he would be a candidate on the Republican ticket for reelection this fall. Mr.Crosby, who has entered his fourth year as county treasurer, will likely have no opposition in the primary race. Showers of rain brought temporary relief from the heatwave at Haxtun during the weekend, although the precipitation was not sufficient to benefit crops to any great extent. Quite a number of men have been...

  • Times Past

    Jul 7, 2021

    13 Years Ago July 8, 1936 Opening of a modem meat department at the Birrell Food store has been announced for Friday of this week by J.D. Birrell, proprietor of the firm. The meat depart­ment has been equipped with a new refrigeration system in con­nection with a modern display counter. Several hundred pounds of fresh meat may be stored in the refrigerator and the store will be able to keep an adequate stock on hand at all times. Five new stars at one swoop were added to the Hollywood f...

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