What can we reason but from what we know? -Alexander Pope

Articles from the July 22, 2020 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 8 of 8

  • Just hangin' around

    Candie Fix, Managing Editor|Jul 22, 2020

    BUDDIES KASON HADEEN and Tannor and Cail Wilson sit near the curb of the Haxtun Fire hall while waiting for the burn out competition to start during Haxtun’s 33rd annual Old-Fashioned Saturday night. Austin Wilson, Tannor and Cail’s dad, was a finalist in the competition. For photos of winners from this year’s car show, turn to pages 4 and 5....

  • Haxtun Town Council hears residents' concerns

    Candie Fix, Managing Editor|Jul 22, 2020

    The Haxtun Town Council tackled a long list of action and discussion items during the latest regular meeting held on July 13 at the Haxtun Community Center. The 2019 financial report, special event permits and applications, and ballot questions for the upcoming election topped agenda items for the monthly meeting. As all meetings do, the Council kicked things off with public comment following roll call, the pledge of allegiance and approval the agenda and consent agenda. During which, Garry Hadeen, with the Haxtun Housing Authority, asked...

  • Woodward registers with HPD

    Candie Fix, Managing Editor|Jul 22, 2020

    Haxtun Police Chief Tanya Mayhew registered a sex offender within the city limits on Wednesday, July 15. Michael Woodward, 40, is required to register annually after convictions of internet sexual exploitation of a child and sexual exploitation of a child. Woodward is registered to the address 710 South Washington Avenue, #A....

  • Fleming Town council member term limits to be left to voters

    From the minutes|Jul 22, 2020

    The Fleming Town Council met for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, July 14 at the Fleming Community Center. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro-Tem, Stefan Betley at 6:01 p.m. The following council members were present: Levi Lowe, John Stone, DeeAnn Christopher and Nancy Glaspie. Sue Einspahr arrived at 6:06 p.m. and presided over the meeting. Ken MacCrone was absent. Also present were Debbie Rose (left at 8:48 p.m.), Michelle Asfeld, Clay Gorman and Keith Beck. Additions/Corrections to the Agenda: A motion was made and...

  • Under the Wire

    Gary Hodgson|Jul 22, 2020

    Sue and I have always been Pet People. We have had a wide range of pets, most who shared both our outdoor and indoor lives. First there was Tiffy, a small Cocker Spaniel, followed by Hobbs, Sue’s one-person-only, little, white poodle cross, who hated me by the way. In retaliation, I brought home Tina, a purebred Border Collie. She would be part of our lives the next 15 years, sleeping by our bedside at nights, working cattle during the day. Unfortunately, one-by-one they eventually passed away....

  • Under the Wire

    Ken Frantz|Jul 22, 2020

    Extraordinary is the word of the week when describing a celestial visitor to our corner of the galaxy. It references Comet NEOWISE, a three-mile wide once-in-6,500 year visitor that is a delight to those who take time to find it. There have been numerous opportunities the last several years to observe periodic comets that visit from time to time. Comet NEOWISE, however, probably won’t recognize earth and its inhabitants upon its next return. At most, there may be some obscure reference to the ti...

  • Haxtun's 33rd Annual Old-Fashioned Saturday Night

    Jul 22, 2020

    Sponsored by The Haxtun Chamber of Commerce...

  • 85 years ago - July 24, 1935

    Jul 22, 2020

    13 years ago July 24, 1935 Haxtun Harvest Fairfield News - Mr. and Mrs. Becker of Wisconsin arrived here Wednesday for a visit with their daughter, Mrs. Fondell, and family. Pastor and Mrs. E. E. Fondell, Mr. and Mrs. Becker, Mrs. Plumley of New York, and Bill Becker left Monday for a two-week vacation in the mountains. Turning out of the road to avoid hitting a horse, the Rev. and Mrs. Harold Lorimer suffered minor injuries early last Friday morning when their car plunged into a ditch on the...